“I’m having a blast.” His words don’t match his tone.

“I want you to fuck my ass tonight,” I blurt, making him choke on the sip of soda he was taking.


“With your cock,” I clarify. “Not just your fingers this time.”

A shadow crosses over me as Rick turns to stand directly in front of me.

“For my birthday,” I add, taking a sip of beer just to have something to focus on other than his handsome face.

“For your birthday?” He looks amused when I finally look him in the eyes. “I figured you’d want your gift to be the other way around.”

God, if I even let myself think about fucking him, I’d probably explode in my damn pants. I’m already chubbing up as it is.

“I want you there,” I tell him with conviction, wondering if he knows how big of a decision this has been for me.

“And I want to be there. Can you imagine the sight of me stretching that tight hole of yours?”

Jesus, fuck.

“How the head of my cock would feel pressing all the way inside of you? I bet you’d come in seconds.”

I swallow, nodding in agreement, because if I try to speak right now, it would probably lead to me taking the risk of dragging him upstairs to do the deed right in the middle of this birthday party.

“You want to get out of here?”

I meet his eyes once again. “Badly.”

His smile grows, his eyes dropping to my mouth for only a fraction of a second, but it’s enough to make me stiffen in my shorts.

“You’ll wait.”

The two words have my heart racing. I want to choke him and kiss him all at the same time. The man loves to torture me, and although I’ll probably never admit it, I like it when he does. Anticipation heightens everything when we’re finally able to get to the good stuff.

I know tonight will be no different.

Chapter 28


As much as I hate college parties, I don’t hate parties where Landon gives me a fraction of his attention.

We haven’t had many opportunities for this since coming to Lindell. We don’t hang out. We don’t meet for lunch or even leave our dorm rooms at the same time, although I know it wouldn’t be suspicious for two roommates to head to class since we both have one starting at the same time.

He avoids any and all chances that someone could read into what has been happening behind closed doors.

But he’s slipping, and not just tonight because he’s been drinking.

Earlier today in the locker room, he kept his eyes locked on me until I had to walk away. Silas was talking to him, and he was staring in my direction.

I’ve wanted his eyes on me that way for years, but not to his own detriment. If the man wanted people to know, he’d use his damn voice. That staring was involuntary, and although my dick threatened to get hard at knowing he was having unintentional reactions to me, I know it would only end up making him pull back. That’s the last thing I want right now. We’re having loads of fun.

I can easily say the last couple of weeks have been the best of my life.

I want what the man is offering, but he has just downed three shots. Since I’m the obsessed type of man to keep my eyes on him all night, I know he’s had no less than five beers on top of that. His eyes swim when his head swivels on his shoulders so he can look at me.

I wouldn’t say he’s drunk, but he’s well on his way.

If I thought he was aware enough of what he just told me, I’d drag his ass back to our dorm room, and give him exactly what he mentioned.

Losing my virginity to a drunk isn’t going to happen though.

My mind races as I pull my eyes from him to drink my soda. Does he even want it? Is he only asking because he’s drunk? Would he regret it?

And the most fucked up question I have—should I go ahead and do it because he’s asking for it?

I shake that thought away, internally chastising myself for being a douche.

“What are you thinking?” he asks as he lifts his beer to his lips.

“That I can’t wait to kiss that taste from your lips later,” I answer honestly.

He grins around the mouth of his bottle before taking a long pull.

I look down at my watch for the millionth time tonight. Rex and Joey were supposed to meet me here, but I’ve yet to see them. They probably got into one of those tiny arguments they always have that lead to hours and hours of sex. I highly doubt I’ll even see them tonight.

Before I can wish for the distraction they’d bring, Landon grabs my arm. “Let’s dance.”