Rick and I sigh in frustration at the same time, but we head toward the hall.

I want my hands all over him, but I have to settle for a single brush of my knuckles down his back before we leave the room.

The shudder that works through his body is a promise of more later. Suddenly, sharing a room with him doesn’t seem all that bad.

Chapter 20


He offered to suck my dick. It’s the making of many of my teen fantasies, but just like those wet dreams that left me panting, the ones where that very same disappointment lingers in his eyes a moment before I wake up, it never came to pass.

It’s all I can think about, the near miss, and I’m left wondering if he’ll change his mind after being given a chance to think about it.

Honestly, do I want a guy sucking my dick only to regret it later?

The answer is yes, but I’m a twenty-year-old man, and getting off, regardless of the repercussions, is what my body demands.

I huff in irritation as we approach the baseball field. I should have better control over my urges. Things going sideways with Landon wouldn’t just disappear tomorrow. Not only do we share a dorm room, but there’s so much space back home that we’re expected to inhabit together.

“What was that sound for?” Landon asks, his head low so Silas can’t hear him.

“This is all going to end badly,” I mutter.

“We went through it. They may hate it tonight, but they’ll be able to laugh about it later.”

I don’t correct his misassumption on the subject.

Maybe I’ll grow a pair of balls between now and the next time we’re alone.

Maybe I’ll be strong enough to resist any suggestion of hooking up because the backlash isn’t worth the reward.

Maybe the Texas Rangers will win the World Series.

I realize as I walk up to the small group of freshmen, that the chances of any of that actually happening is so slim, it’s impossible.

Of the four guys standing in front of us, only one is grinning. He’s either too stupid to look apprehensive, or his ego is too big to worry about tonight. Neither bode well for the guy.

“Give us a few minutes to chat,” Calhoun tells the freshman before waving the rest of the team to the side.

“This is weird,” Silas mutters as we walk toward the dugout.

“We do this every year,” Landon argues. “It’s tradition.”

“I’m not talking about Welcome Night. You two not wanting to rip each other’s throats out is strange.”

Landon chuckles as if it will be enough to get Silas off our backs.

Anyone who has ever paid attention to us knows we came from the same town, and since there was never any love lost between us once we started attending Lindell U, people have always assumed we’ve always been bitter enemies. I haven’t corrected them and clearly neither has Landon.

“Maybe being roommates is a good thing. I know it can only help the team. The hatred you guys have for each other has always caused problems.”

Landon frowns, and I can feel my own lips turn downward as Silas quickens his steps to reach Calhoun first.

We may have not gotten along, and I know we never went out of our way to be helpful to each other, but I was under the impression that we left all that shit off the field. We never purposely tried to sabotage the other. Baseball is much too important for both of us to ever do anything to compromise that for Landon. Apparently, we haven’t been able to leave our feelings out of the sport as much as we thought.

“What’s the plan?” Silas asks, rubbing his hands together like a deviant.

“Scavenger hunt,” Calhoun says with a grin.

Silas frowns. “What? That’s not enough.”

“Unless they have to find some super crazy shit,” one of the other guys says, his tone matching the look in Silas’s eyes.

“Isn’t hazing illegal?”

We all turn to see the guy that was smiling when we approached, standing ten yards closer than where we left them moments ago.

The other three freshmen aren’t far behind him. I’ll give the guy credit. Speaking up when he’s expected to keep his mouth shut will help him later in his ball career, but it’s not going to do him any favors tonight.

“Shut your fucking mouth, Tyler,” Silas snaps.

The guy frowns, but he doesn’t obey. “Seriously, I’m not going to risk alcohol poisoning tonight.”

Calhoun looks down at the stack of cards in his hands. “It’s not hazing. It’s a scavenger hunt.”

Landon looks in my direction.


“Is it hazing?”

“I’m expected to know?” I snap. I don’t want tonight coming down on my shoulders, and as loyal as the team is, I’m not going to test that loyalty if anyone on our team is detained by the police with the threat of a criminal record hanging over his head.