“Fuck. That’s so good. Look up at me.”

I do my best to obey, blinking up at the light shining down at me and wanting to nuzzle his hand when he cups my cheek.

“Deep. Shit, that’s it.”

I give him everything I’ve got, sucking him as far as I can and then going a little deeper for good measure. I choke and then do it again when it makes his thighs tremble even more because it means he likes the sounds I’m making.

“Goddamn, Ricky. You’re making me come. Yes. God. Fuck, yes.”

My cheeks drawn in, sucking harder as the first burst of cum splashes on my tongue.

Tomorrow may be the worst day of my life, but I’m going to live in this perfect moment for as long as he’ll let me.

My lips are still coated in his cum when he grips a handful of my hair. Here it comes, the shame, the regret, the accusations of taking advantage of him. I wonder if he’s going to punch me in the nose like Rex hinted Joey did to him that first time.

Instead, he drags me up his body to press his lips to mine. The kiss is dirty, the beer on his tongue mingling with the cum on mine. I breathe deep, pressing against him until he’s lying back crossways on the bed. My cock is standing at attention, wondering just how far Landon is willing to go tonight.

“That was so fucking hot.”

We both freeze. Landon turns the phone so the flashlight is shining on the girl across the room. She blinks slowly, the light in her eyes.

A second later, she bends her head over the edge and pukes.

Landon is shaking again, only I know this time it’s for an entirely different reason.

“Fuck,” he hisses, bolting up from the bed and nearly knocking me to the floor.

“Calm down,” I urge.

“I can’t. Fuck. Where are my clothes?” He drops his phone on the bedside table, digging around the floor before pulling his clothes back on.

I watch the dark outline of him as he fumbles in his haste to escape, a frown on my face.

“Landon,” I hiss as the girl flops back, prone on the bed.

“What the fuck are we supposed to do?” he snaps, tugging a t-shirt over his head.

“Calm the fuck down for starters,” I mutter.

“We can carry her back into the hall. Maybe she won’t remember it in the morning.”

“We’re not leaving a vulnerable girl out in the hallway,” I counter. “Will you just chill?”

“I can’t fucking chill. She just saw the baseball captain getting head.”

And here it is. The beginning of the blowback. It seems I won’t even get until morning for the shit to hit the fan.

“I can’t be here right now.”

And then he’s gone, the door closing with a bang.

The girl in the bed across the room doesn’t even flinch from the noise.

Chapter 17


I hate the tremble in my hands as I splash water on my face.

They were trembling for different reasons only moments ago.

Our perfect moment was ruined because Rick always has to be a fucking hero.

Droplets drip from my chin as I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

I freaked out like a fucking baby, and I’m not proud of that.

I’m also not capable of going back to the room right now with her still in there to apologize.

And fuck do I want to apologize. I need him to know it had nothing to do with him. He gave me the best fucking blowjob of my life, and I’d be game for a second one, but having that moment, the minutes where I was the most vulnerable I’ve ever been, giving into a desire I’ve shoved down for so long, has left me rocked to my core.

How bad could it be if she runs her mouth tomorrow? Lindell isn’t a very big school, and I’m sure the captain of the baseball team getting head from a guy is rumor mill worthy.

I think hard about this, turning to press my back to the wall.

“Coming out” isn’t even a concern because there’s nothing to come out about. In my head, I can separate “being bi” and simply being into Rick. They aren’t the same, yet, maybe they are, and I’m just a little fucked in the head over it.

I grip handfuls of my hair as I squeeze my eyes shut.

My teammates won’t freak out about what happened between Rick and me. They may be shocked, but it’s not like they’ll be disgusted. Rick was upfront from day one about his sexuality, and no one batted an eye at his confession. I knew it was hard for him that first day of practice, and I hated that he went through it alone, even when my heart was swelling with pride that he faced it with his chin held high. He wasn’t confronted. Someone didn’t make a joke about his lime green boxers.