“Sorry for your loss, man,” I say, pain lacing my tone.

I couldn’t even imagine what he’s going through.

“Thank you,” he says, but he’s focused on the woman sitting at the bar rather than either Landon or me.

“I need to use the restroom. If you fellas will excuse me,” the woman says before making a hasty escape.

“I’ll be outside,” Landon mutters before walking away.

Harley disappears after the woman as well.

“I take it you’re Cerberus?” I ask the man the woman left behind.

He just has that air about him—not exactly cocky, but confident in his skills. His eyes narrow slightly, and I can tell he’s wondering if I’m going to keep flirting with him.

He’s gorgeous, but then again, all Cerberus members are. They’re an elite team of do-gooders who hit every branch of the good-looks tree on their fall to earth.

“Sorry about flirting,” I say, knowing the last thing I need is a conversation from Dad about trying to hit on Cerberus members.

“Boomer,” the man says, but he doesn’t offer his hand.

“And the woman?”

“Not someone you nor your friend should concern yourself over.”

“Seems Harley has his eyes on that one. I know the rules, so no worries here.”

Boomer frowns, but he remains stoic.

“Tough crowd,” I mutter, my exhaustion making it difficult to keep my mouth closed. “Hey, Drake. Long time no see.”

The bartender rolls his eyes at me, but there’s a small smile playing on his lips.

“Still playing hard to get?” I give him a wink, loving the playful twitch in his jaw.

“Impossible to get,” Drake counters.

The man is absolute perfection, the type good for a couple of fun nights and nothing more.

Too bad, he’s a hundred percent right. For a bartender who, if rumors are to be believed, doesn’t have a problem taking home both a man and woman at the end of his shift, he’s also oddly picky. There must be some rule about Cerberus spawn because he shoots me down every time. It’s not my age because I’ve heard rumors of him and my ex hooking up.

“Your friend couldn’t get out of here fast enough,” Drake says as he scoops ice into a glass.

“Landon isn’t very comfortable with my gayness,” I say with a grin and quickly scrunch my nose in an effort to try and prove it doesn’t bother me as much as it actually does.

Boomer’s barstool makes a screech as he slides off it and disappears toward the end of the bar, no doubt waiting for the woman to get back out of the restroom.

“He’s not out, is he?”

“Not even to himself,” Drake says, and we both glance over at the man in question’s back. “Pity. He’s smoking hot.”

I keep my eyes locked on Boomer. I was there once. I know exactly what he’s struggling with.

“About Landon,” Drake says, drawing every ounce of my attention. “He’s not acting the way he is because he’s uncomfortable with your sexuality.”

He gives me a quick wave, walking away before I can ask him to elaborate.

Chapter 3


Pacing never helps. It doesn’t solve a damn thing, and the dirtier my boots get from walking the length of the parking lot waiting on Rick to come out of Jake’s, the angrier I get.

I need my damn bed. I didn’t even want to come here tonight, but I knew arguing with Rick would only make the day worse. I figured we’d be here a few minutes. I know that the hour since we pulled in isn’t a long time on the grander scale of things, but it’s one hour of sleep I’ve lost because of him.

We don’t do outings together like this. We only tolerate each other when we’re forced to for Cerberus functions, and even then, most often, Rick finds a way to get out of coming to the clubhouse.

This was a power play on his part which pisses me off even more.

Every time we come to Jake’s with our dads, which isn’t often, Rick has to grin and flirt with the bartender. I’ve seen the man shoot him down several times, and it’s like the guy can’t take a hint.

Maybe he’s sticking around for that other guy at the bar. Maybe he was right about him being gay, and I was way off the mark.

I want to kick myself for even walking in their direction in the first damn place. I postponed going home.

I shove my phone in my pocket and run my hands over the top of my head. Harley is Cerberus. I crack my neck, trying to ward off the emotion that comes with shaking a man’s hand that lost someone so fucking close to him.

From the way the guy at the bar spoke with him, I wouldn’t doubt it if the guy Rick flirted with was also Cerberus. I know there’s a handful of new members, but I haven’t had the luxury of meeting them yet.