Any man who claims to be in touch with his sexual need has had something, be it a toy or his own fingers, up his ass.

On that same note, going in search of the magnificent spot that somehow ended up in our asses, isn’t the same as leading that charge on someone else.

I wasn’t lying when I told Landon that I haven’t ever been fucked. Technically speaking, no guy has ever put their dick in my ass. That doesn’t mean I haven’t sought that spot out on myself. I know exactly what it takes to achieve an orgasm that leaves me feeling drained and yet ready to take on the world. It’s very possible that Landon has done the same which leaves me in the awkward position to worry if what he wants me to do to him will be as good as those times he may have done them to himself.

“You’re sure about this?” I ask, not for the first time.

“A hundred percent. Would you stop asking? I’ll tell you if I change my mind.”

Unceremoniously, he shoves his shorts to his ankles before kicking them across the room.

I frown at him.


“I wanted to take those off of you,” I confess.

He looks in the direction of his shorts. “I can put them back on.”

“Come here,” I tell him, shaking my head with a chuckle at his insistence.

“Shouldn’t I like bend over the bed?”

“Are you suddenly averse to my mouth on you?”

His cock jerks his answer as he steps closer.

“I know this is experimenting for you, but I’d feel better if it wasn’t just clinical.” It’s as close to a confession of how I really feel as I can manage without blurting all my expectations, desires, and apprehension.

“There’s nothing clinical about the way you make me feel, Ricky.”

And those words don’t exactly make me feel any more confident either.

He presses his lips to mine, that same hand that cupped my jaw the other night in the alley right back on my face.

I groan with pleasure into his mouth, my breaths eager and uneven. He claimed my kiss cured him, and I hope he knows I feel the same way, but like any high from an addiction, the crash is also inevitable.

Rather than thinking about all the terrible outcomes this could lead to, I inch him back toward his bed, following him to the mattress when he lies back. I drop the bottle of lube he handed me to his side, smiling against his lips when he hisses from the cold as it rolls against his skin.

He gave me the best blowjob of my life, but that doesn’t stop my cock from growing against his hip once again. The heat from his skin is enough to make me want to groan. I have no doubt I could go all damn night with this man, that I could orgasm when I’m completely dehydrated, and if given the chance, I plan to test that theory as often as possible. I’m insatiable where he’s concerned. So long as we’re touching, everything is fine. I will live in this once-in-a-lifetime fantasy come true for as long as he will let me.

“Touch me,” he begs, his head thrown back, giving my mouth access to his throat.

With my lips against his neck, I start by teasing a finger down his collarbone, taking the same path with my hand that his mouth took on my body earlier. He’s holding his breath by the time I trace his nipple.

“Such a fucking tease,” he pants, his body twitching like he’s having a hard time keeping still.

I’m obsessed with the way his body moves against mine, tucking away each moan, shiver, and jolt for later use, planning to relive it as much as possible until it inevitably fades in my mind.

“We’ll get there,” I tell him, sucking on his neck, unconcerned if I leave my mark there.

“Did you just give me a hickie?”

I chuckle at the tone of his voice. “I think so.”

Instead of complaining, he moans again when I press my lips to the same spot. I’d leave my marks all over him if I thought he’d tell people the actual truth when questioned about them, but I know he won’t. It would gut me for him to tell one of our teammates that it was some woman he hooked up with instead of me.

“That turns you on?”

“Yes, fuck, can you touch my dick already?”

I tease further, circling his navel with the tip of a lone finger.

“So impatient,” I mutter, my lips against his shoulder. “Grab the lube.”

He scrambles after it, cussing when he tries to squirt some into my palm, and nothing comes out. I pull away from him when he sits up, fighting with the safety seal. Rolling my lips between my teeth in an effort not to laugh doesn’t prove effective, and he glares at me as he tosses the seal to the floor before screwing the lid back on.