It hadn’t been intentional—me barely making it through the light, forcing Sareen to either stop and not follow, or run it and break the law—but it’d worked out in my favor.

As I made my way farther away from where the ball was being held to the small little hole-in-the-wall sex toy shop that we’d passed on the way in, I called myself seven shades of crazy.

I once again glanced into the rearview mirror, seeing Sareen very conspicuously following behind us, not trying in the least to hide that she was doing so.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked as I spotted the sex shop in front of us. “Maybe we should just go back to the house.”

The thing she said about a bodyguard… that was a joke. I knew it was a joke. But the more I thought about it, and the more I considered it, the more sense it made.


Because Sareen had shot me.

I couldn’t prove it, but the damn woman had. There was no doubt in my mind.

If she could shoot me, who she supposedly ‘loved,’ then what would she do to Banger?

“Yes,” she ordered. “I am sure. Let’s go.”

So I followed Griffin into the parking lot, then parked as near to the front door, and the lights, as I could get.

Griffin hadn’t waited for us as he’d pulled in before us, and when we got inside, it was to see Griffin and some woman with strawberry-blond hair with dark auburn highlights, with her arms around the marshal’s neck.

“Oh!” she cried out and pulled back. “Griff, I have customers.”

Griffin chuckled as he said, “They’re here for batteries, babe. I told them you had plenty.”

Lenore’s sweet smile graced her lips as she turned to study us, finding us just as dressed up as her husband, and making the connections.

“Are you friends?” She tilted her head.

“I am friends with him, whether he wants me as a friend or not, now that he put the woman that wants to murder me in her place.” Banger waved. “I’m Banger. I’m drunk. Also, I love your hair.”

Lenore snickered. “It’s new, thanks. I let my hairdresser do whatever she wanted this time, and came back with this.”

“Well, she’s good.” Banger paused. “I might get her number from you. We’re pretty far from home, but it’s not a bad drive if I’m finding someone that can actually do my hair. I’m not really here for batteries. But I would like to hear this story of batteries.”

Lenore looked at her husband, who started chuckling.

“That’s how Lenore and I met,” Griffin rumbled. “I needed some, and this happened to be the only place open that I thought might have them. Then I found this hot little…” Griffin trailed off when he looked at his wife’s face, causing me to chuckle. “Woman behind the counter. She was blushing up a storm, and I was hooked.”

“Feel free to look around if you want.” Lenore’s eyes went over my head. “Wow, did you bring the whole ball with you?”

We both looked over our shoulders, and lo and behold, there was Sareen.

She was pissed, too.

“I don’t think she’s coming in,” Banger sighed. “That’s the girl that wants to murder me.”

“I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.” Lenore looked from Sareen to Banger and back.

“I can’t either.” Banger shrugged. “She has the hots for this one. And so do I. I got him. She wants him. And we’re pretty sure he’s got crosshairs on his back when it comes to her. Which, I think, extends to me now.”

“Mayday! Danger Will Robertson,” Lenore teased.

Sareen was now pacing outside the door, likely wanting to come in, but unable to because she didn’t want to be seen in this kind of store.

“The flag couldn’t have been anymore red, Easton,” Banger murmured at my side.

“How Sareen had finagled not only an invite to this high society police function but also gotten placed at my table, only spoke volumes,” Griffin murmured. “She’s just a baby detective, right?”

As in, spoke volumes so high that they damaged your ear kind of volumes.

“Not even that,” I admitted. “She just started with traffic about two months ago. She’s so new at being a police officer that she might as well scream the word ‘rookie’ to everyone she passes.”

“I hate that she’s doing this to you,” Griffin said, sounding disgusted. “But until she actually crosses a line…”

I was fucked.


If you have to ask if it’s too early for a beer, you’re an amateur and we can’t be friends.

-Banger to Easton


“What do you think of this?”

At Banger’s words, I turned to find her holding a dildo about the length of her forearm.

It was as long and as it was thick as her forearm.

Thicker, if I was being truthful.

It was also split off into two sections at about the halfway point. Oh, and bright blue.