“That’s a good girl. Open up for me.” He thrusts harder. His hips pick up speed and he glides a hand down over my tits, to my belly that’s coiled tight. I want another release, and as he drags his finger over my clit, I get my wish.

“That’s it. Come again for me, Dakota.”

I’m shouting out his name as my body explodes. Bright lights dance around my vision as my breath comes out in ragged pants.

“Fuck,” he says. “I’m falling fast.” He says the words like a soft prayer on his lips.

Can you fall for someone this quickly? I’ve never had sex this consuming. I never knew it could be this exceptional.

“I’m taking you with me,” he says as soon as his body has calmed.

I don’t know what he means by this, but I don’t really care, because I realize right now I’d go anywhere with him.

In all the years I’ve lived in Harmony, I’ve never seen the Diamond Kings’ ranch. It’s not something a person just stops by to visit. Well, today, I’m about to see it up close.

“Do you enjoy living on a ranch too?” I ask.

“Yeah. It’s similar to this one. But where I live, I have the largest cabin on the ranch.” As he drives my car toward our destination he explains that it’s the perfect setup for privacy. “You’d like it there,” he says.

Before I can respond that I’d most likely love it, Ruin pulls up to a gated entrance bearing the skull logo of the Diamond Kings Harmony Chapter. Once we’re waved through, he follows the road to a sprawling house surrounded by acres of parched grass. Motorcycles line the area off to my left and I rub my sweaty palms on my shorts. “Don’t be nervous,” Ruin says. “They’re cool.”

“Well, I’m not,” I say. “I’m very uncool. What if they pick up on that?”

He parks beside a large white building that looks like a warehouse disguised as a barn and shifts to face me. “You’re way cooler than these bastards. As the president, I’m the best judge of coolness. Cause I’m the coolest.”

I can’t help but laugh. It’s sweet this gruff man is trying to settle my nerves by lying to me. “Ok, I’ll accept that answer.”

He palms my face and captures my lips, setting a fresh swarm of butterflies alight in my stomach.

When we step out of my car, a tall man with a long beard walks over to us.

“Was wondering when you’d make it here,” he says. His caramel-colored eyes roam over me like I’m a jigsaw puzzle he can’t quite figure out. It’s more like he can’t figure out why Ruin has me here with him.

Ruin drapes an arm around my shoulders. “Felix, this is Dakota. She’s with me. My woman.” He says the words like he’s claiming me. If it were any other man, I’d probably balk at the notion I’m a possession, but I love the sound of being his woman. Like he owns me completely. And I’m ok with it. Because that means he’s my man. It’s so not the “norm” and as I stand here tucked into Ruin’s side, I realize I don’t have one care to give whether anyone thinks it’s outlandish.

Felix nods, the corners of his lips still pointed downward, still appearing unhappy with my presence. “I know who she is. The mayor’s daughter.”

My timid smile disappears and I blink up at Ruin.

“Like I said, she’s mine. I don’t give a fuck who her father is.”

My insides melt at the way he’s staking claim over me. “Hi,” I peep out as Felix stares at me.

His expression softens, and he reaches out a hand. “Welcome.” It’s just one word but the tone and the way he says it makes me feel, for the first time since stepping foot on this property, that I belong.

I don’t say anything back, just let the two men lead me toward a sprawling house with a front porch running the length of it. It’s dark when we step inside, but Felix turns on a light. “Everyone’s still sleeping,” Felix says. “Late night.”

“No problem. Also, my bike’s on Highway 50. Can you get one of the prospects to pick it up for me.”

Felix nods. “Sure thing.”

“I’m gonna show Dakota where we’ll be staying while I’m here.” Ruin doesn’t wait for Felix to answer, or dispute. And as president of the Diamond Kings, I guess he doesn’t have to.

I follow Ruin toward a cabin close to the main barn. It’s a cute log cabin, and it reminds me of something you’d see on the top of a mountain, not in the desert lands of Texas. I move in after him into a modest room with a bed and dresser.

“It’s not much, but it’s home while I’m here.”

“How long are you here for?”

He shrugs. “A week. Two at the most.” He perches on the bed, holding out his arms for me to sit on his lap.