Chapter 1


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“Enjoy your stay at Harmony Inn,” I say, handing over an electronic keycard to a tall woman with two kids in tow.

“I’m sure we will.” She ushers her children toward the bank of elevators. “Even if there’s no pool.”

Preaching to the choir, Mrs. Fussypants. In this Texas heat, it would make sense. Harmony Inn is a quaint, historical building that I want to revolutionize and bring into the modern age. If only my boss, Hank, would get on board.

In his defense, he’s probably a million years old and lives to tell stories of the good ol’ days. So, I run the day-to-day and keep the ideas I have for making this place stand out buried.

After college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my Hospitality Management degree. I figured I’d move to a big city, work at The Ritz-Carlton and love my life. But Daddy needed me here. So, I moved back to Harmony, and I have to say, I’m on the fence about it. Now that I’m twenty-five, I see the appeal of a small town, but honestly, it’s more of a place I’d like to visit.

“Did you confirm the reservations for tonight?” Brittany asks, stepping beside me to peer at the computer.

“Yep, I did.” As manager, I always make sure I confirm every reservation for the evenings. “We still have a few rooms available for walk-ins.”

“It’s almost time for you to clock out. Are you all set for your Friday night adventures? Are you wearing your pretty panties? Just in case… you know…” She wiggles her eyebrows.

I nudge her with my elbow. “You make it sound way more scandalous than it is.”

“No, I just envy you.” She sighs. “I have to live vicariously through your grand adventures.” Brittany is married with three kids, all under the age of eight. I seriously don’t know how she manages time for a job, but she’s like a supermom or something because she handles it all with poise.

“It isn’t any type of grand adventure,” I say. “It’s me teaching line dancing, possibly a game of pool afterwards. Nothing so grand about it.”

Brittany leans closer. “Yeah, but if your father knew what you were getting into on Fridays, he’d have a coronary.”

“Truer words have never been spoken.” I hate that I’m linked to my father in this town. As the mayor’s daughter, eyes are always on me. Judging me. Making sure I’m living my life exactly as one would expect a politician's daughter to live. Prim and proper, with no excitement whatsoever.

When Dad told me a wholesome younger man with a large family had entered the mayoral race and was interfering with his re-election dreams, I gave him a long pep-talk about the value of his experience to the community. Beau Bastian is a hat with no cattle, and the people in Harmony wouldn’t toss Dad aside for an outsider. Turns out, maybe they will.

Beau’s doing so well in the polls, Dad asked me to move back to Harmony. My mother left many years ago, so his campaign manager advised it would make Dad look more like a family man to have his only daughter, who he raised all by himself, standing at his side. I packed my bags, moved home, and never regretted the decision.

However, it’s a boring life. My lowest moment came sitting on my front porch for hours, watching a snail creep across the pathway to my steps. That’s when I decided to sneak away on Friday nights, venturing to a bar where no one cares what the mayor’s daughter is up to, and let loose. But as much as I wanted to let loose, it turns out I am kind of boring after all.

While I’m internally lamenting my existential life crisis, a gruff, hardened man steps up to the reception counter. “Need a room for the night,” he says in a low voice. He doesn’t look up, just keeps his gaze focused on the local pamphlets stacked in front of my computer.

“Hi. Welcome to a life-changing experience,” I say with a smile, like I greet every guest who steps through our revolving door.

He lifts his head, and the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen land on me and take my breath away.

“Life-changing, huh? That’s a big statement.”

My heart flutters, and the way he’s looking at me like I’m a hot buttered biscuit and he can’t wait to drizzle honey all over me makes me instantly wet. This type of carnal reaction has never happened to my body, but I can’t turn away. “It’s big, but true. One bed or two?”

I feel my cheeks flush and rip my gaze from his to tap at my computer screen, even though it’s already on the Harmony Inn website’s home page.

“One bed,” he says, his voice as steady as a pole standing firmly in the ground.