There were more words but they faded as my hand fell from my ear. I stalked across the bar and stopped in front of the girl with big black curls. She glanced up at me, stooped over a box filled with nothing more than clown wigs.
“Um, hi,” she said. “Can I—can I help you?”
“I’m Rachel,” I said.
She eyed me curiously.
“Candace,” she said slowly, glancing at the phone at my side where Tim’s voice still came faintly.
“Candace,” I said, “would you happen to have any makeup I could use? I think I have a talent.”
Candace’s face lit up. She dusted off her knees as she stood. I smiled when she stuck out her hand for me to take. I raised a finger to her before raising the phone to my ear.
“Tim, I’ve got to go. I’ve got a performance to get ready for.”
I hung up and took Candace’s hand.
“Are you a sparkle kind of girl?” she asked as she led me up the back stairs.
With a grin, I answered, “Yes.”