Page 46 of Cheating Death

“We can’t,” Bunny murmured, gently pulling away. As much as it killed her to resist him, she couldn’t risk going through all this a second time. “That’s what caused this whole thing in the first place. I think it’s because I’m human and you’re not.”

“Yes, I am,” he corrected her.

Bunny frowned, searching his gaze.

“I won Employee of the Century,” he explained, the corner of his lips curving upwards into the beginnings of a grin.

“I know,” she said. “I was there. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your acceptance speech was shit.”

“Well,” he said, brushing his thumb over the soft apple of her cheek as he stared into her eyes. “Given I’m human for a month, I figured I could make up for that and take you out for dinner.”

Holy. Shit. Balls.

His hand was warm. Not cold, like she had come to think of him as. Warm like flesh and blood. Like a real human.

“That’s what you won?” she asked, the reality of his news finally hitting home. “Your vacation?”

He nodded gently, and this time when he leaned down to kiss her, she rose on her tiptoes to meet him. Their lips melted together, and she felt the connection deep down inside her soul.

When he pulled away, they were both grinning.

"But who's gonna fill in for you while you're away?"

He looked into her eyes, his impossibly dark gaze as deep and mysterious as the universe itself.

“Frankly, my dear,” he whispered cheekily. “I don't give a damn. Now c'mon. I wanna know what pancakes taste like.”

* * *