Page 35 of Vito DeLuca


Dressed in all black, me and my crew parked a half-mile away from the warehouse. I felt nothing but fury as we stealthily maneuvered through the wooded areas surrounding the building. Four men walked the grounds with heavy machinery, while one rode a four-wheeler back and forth around the four corners of the building.

I pointed the men out to Casper, Prosper, Teddy and Ishmael, directing them on which one to take out. I would take out the one on the four-wheeler. All equipped with silencers, our guns engaged and dropped all five men at once.

The four-wheeler kept rolling without a driver, crashing into a tree on the side of the house. As we ran toward the building, someone looked out the window and yelled, “They’re here. They took down the guards.”

“Yeah, motherfuckers. We’re here!” I returned as I shot through the door, taking down the man who’d just snitched.

The rest of the men started scrambling like roaches running from a piece of bread when the light was turned on, trying to take cover.

Ishmael made it through the door next, taking down anyone with guns on the second floor. Prosper came through, blasting anything on the ground level. Casper snuck around to the back door and dropped anyone who tried to escape.

Teddy ran in there, walking men down focused on Ishmael and me, catching them off-guard and engaging them in a fistfight. There were only about four men left on the ground level, and they were all hiding.

Unlike Teddy, I wasn’t about to fight. Anyone who stood before me ready to battle would catch a slug. I refused to expend that type of energy on any of these motherfuckers.

“Where are the women?” I asked the snitch. He had tried to run away from the front door, but I caught him with a bullet to his chest. He lay at my feet, gasping for air. “I said, where are the women? You might as well tell me where they are. You’re probably not going to survive that bullet wound, but you definitely won’t live to see another day if I shoot you again.”

“I— They – Upstairs,” he relented. “Please, please, man. Don’t shoot me.” I took him out of his misery with a gunshot to the head. “You should have chosen something safe. Taking a woman under a DeLuca's protection was not safe,” I told the dying man, who I doubted had the brain function any longer to understand what I was saying.

Ishmael was already headed upstairs. Tae stepped around a corner with his gun raised. I aimed to shoot, but Ishmael beat me to it. His 0.38 released before Tae had the chance to squeeze the trigger, striking Tae’s right arm and causing the gun to fall to the ground. “Where is Miracle?” Ishmael interrogated.

“I see the doctor still has you pussy whipped,” Tae replied as he held his injured arm.

Ishmael closed the space between them and smacked the side of his head with the gun. “Where is she?”

“You came and interrupted my time with her. I was trying to get reacquainted. I didn’t get a chance to get a taste of the doctor's pussy that was good enough to start a war. I bet it was as good as her college pussy that I enjoyed over and over.” He slid his fat tongue over his lips and grunted, “I don’t know. It probably couldn’t get any better than that.”

He was fucking with Ishmael. And it worked. Ishmael cocked the hammer back, ready to blast the pathetic life out of him. “You’ve cheated death long enough. It’s time for you to take the long walk to hell.”

Tae spat at him. “Fuck you. I’m already dead, but you coming to the Carzoni’s spot has signed your death certificate too. You thought you had the advantage that there were only a few men in here to take out. You were wrong. The Carzoni’s will be coming through that door at any moment. None of you will make it out of here.” He laughed hysterically. “You’re fools, both of you.”

When I looked back, Teddy and Prosper were backing against a wall. A burly Italian held them at gunpoint. A blast sounded at the entrance, followed by men invading the warehouse. A quick exchange of gunfire caused the glass to shatter into a thousand tiny pieces. Containers filled with cocaine were hit, causing the white powder to splash across the room in every direction.

“Let’s see who’s the bitch now,” Tae said, chuckling. His laughter was cut short when he realized the last of the Carzoni men were dropping, not mine.

Mi famiglia came for violence. DeLuca soldiers sniped them from their positions in and around the property. They swarmed the warehouse and exterminated every living soul not associated with us, leaving Tae and Desi for Ishmael and me.

The Carzonis were our rivals, but I spoke to their Don. Don Marcello Carzoni had no knowledge of Tae and Desi kidnapping our women. A war with the DeLucas over Tae and Desi’s petty bullshit wasn’t anything the Carzonis were interested in. Therefore, our conversation erased Tae’s protection and put the lives of the lower-level Carzonis he worked with in danger.

“Looks like you’re the bitch, Tae,” Ishmael said as he squeezed the trigger, sending a bullet through Tae’s temple that would forever end his treachery. “Miracle,” he hollered. “Where are you, baby?”

We moved upstairs toward a closed door and heard Miracle and Nicole screaming for help. I kicked in the door just in time to see Desi grab Nicole and press a pistol to her head. “You might as well stop screaming. He can’t save you! Nobody can. You wanted to leave me, so this is how it will end.”

My heart free fell from my chest at the sight of a gun aimed at my woman. I had to play it cool, though. “You’re such a pussy. Why are you such a pussy?” I taunted him.

Desi’s hand trembled, causing the gun to wobble in his hand. “Stop walking. Come any closer, and I will shoot her.”

“You and I both know you’re not going to shoot her. You will have the slowest and most painful death ever known to man if you do. It would be a Guinness Book of World Records type of death. I will get a hole punch and punch out tiny portions of your skin until all of your flesh is stripped away. Then, I will drain your blood by the drop every hour. You will experience so much pain that you will wish your mother was never born.” I inched closer to him with every word spoken. My plan was to get close enough to charge him, but one of my shooters was impatient. They hit him in the shoulder, blowing him back.

Nicole scrambled toward me. Miracle ran to Ishmael.

“Get them out of here,” I ordered Ishmael, then turned my attention back to Desi. The time had finally arrived for him to get rocked to sleep. I growled, “You touched what’s mine. Now, you have to die.” In a quick movement, I snatched him forward and spun him around. My arms snaked around his neck like a python. Squeezing the life out of him, I mumbled close to his ear, “Nicole is mine, and she’ll always be mine. You will never get another chance to taste her sweet pussy. You’ll never get another chance to sink into her tight, wet walls. You will never get another chance to do anything.”

Desi choked and coughed. “I. Will. Kill….” He said in a strained tone. He wrestled to get out of my grip, but there was no use. We fell to the ground, but I still had my arms wrapped around his neck in a death grip.

I squeezed tighter. “You definitely will never get a chance to hurt her. You could have walked away. I would have found you eventually, but at least you would have had more time to live your miserable life. Now you gotta die, bleeding out on a warehouse floor, only to be tossed into an ocean as part of a clean-up order. What a way to go.”