Page 30 of Vito DeLuca

I tried to stand up.

I couldn’t walk.

We didn’t use protection.

Shit. Shit.

If there was one thing Desi did right, he used condoms to ensure I never got pregnant.

Vito didn’t seem to care if we produced a baby tonight.

I’m going to have his baby if I don’t do something.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I needed to get his sperm out of me.

To do that, I needed to pee.

I couldn’t walk on wobbly legs.

What to do, what to do…

“What are you doing?” A confused-looking Vito pulled my mind back into the room.

“We didn’t— I didn’t— That was—”

I couldn’t express everything I wanted to express. I never felt like this with anyone. No one had ever been able to take my pain away, even if it was momentarily. Men had given me pain with no problem, but this was different. No one had ever been able to make me forget about using protection. None of my past men were Vito DeLuca. And the deed was already done… and done well.

“No matter what happens, baby, I got you,” Vito pulled me onto the bed and into his arms. The feel of his cannon arms surrounding my chest reminded me, along with his words, that I had nothing to worry about. “I’ll always have you, Nicole. Believe that.”

I collapsed into his arms without further protest. I still had to deal with my mother’s new health prognosis, but I felt safe and protected for the moment. I didn’t want to get too comfortable, so I resisted thinking what we had just shared was more than two people releasing tension through lovemaking.