“Adrienne, I know Catherine needs to get ready for the bachelorette party. You gals head on out. I’m going to hang out for a little while and enjoy the sunset. Thank you for sharing your sister time with me. I will always remember this day.”
His voice lacks the nervousness it held a moment ago. It’s strong and steady and so damn convincing. I can no longer tell what the truth is. I run my tongue across my lips which I thought held the truth. It melts away and disappears much like the man.
Adrienne pulls Hunter into a hug, something I never saw her do with Palmer, and I kick myself once again. My actions have consequences for others.
It’s not just my heart on the line. Adrienne lives life out loud, she loves generously. She’s placing her heart on the line because I introduced Hunter into her life and told her he’s one of the good guys. A statement that is both truthful and may be the biggest lie I’ve ever told at the same time.
It’s a dangerous position to place my sister, an even more dangerous position for me.
Hunter and I are done.
This really is goodbye.
He marches off down the trail toward the setting sun without a glance back. I hold my breath not sure what I’m hoping for, and then it hits me. Another truth hitting me like a brick through an open window.
Palmer’s words when I drove away from him after our breakup. If I’m not good enough for you, you’ll never find happiness. You’re not relationship material - you’ll be alone the rest of your days.
I didn’t believe Palmer’s words that day or any of the days since. But for the first time they take root in my soul. It’s been three years and I’ve yet to be in any serious relationships.
The last few days have provided me some of my happiest moments in years and it has all been ruse. And even then, it has crumbled.
I’m so pathetic, I can’t even maintain a fake relationship.