Page 57 of The Santa Swap

Olivia couldn’t say how much time passed being stuck on the elevator with Luke. There had been kissing. Toe curling, happy-to-be-stuck-with-you kissing. But after that kissing, there had been deep conversations. In the dim light of the elevator, she was able to remove the final barriers she had been holding against Luke.

When the lights flickered on, and the elevator began to move, Luke gave her hand a squeeze. His touch sent her heart floating to the ceiling. “We’re almost there,” he said. Olivia’s heart fell. She liked the private bubble they had been in.

Olivia walked off the elevator, feeling like a new woman. She had walked onto the elevator conflicted and unsure how to talk to Luke. Now, with the elevator ride done, she couldn’t wait for their next conversation to begin.

Luke gave her a kiss on the forehead and held out the final bag. “I’ll see you after work,” he said.

“I can’t wait.”

Luke stepped back onto the elevator and Olivia watched the numbers climb until they reached the top floor. Once she knew Luke was safe, she went to the photo area.

Stabbing flowers into foam blocks was a mindless task that gave Olivia’s brain too much time to overthink. Her physical attraction to Luke was undeniable. He was an incredible kisser, but was there anything more to their relationship? She could list the things she knew about him personally on one hand.

As poinsettias filled the background surrounding Santa’s chair, Olivia’s mind was spiraling out of control with doubts. What business did she have kissing Luke when she barely knew him? She went to place another flower and sank into the chair instead. The adrenaline from her elevator ride was finally wearing off.

Olivia took a moment to study the room around her. Stockings lined the walls, with each unique design adding charm to the room. Narrow tables lined the sides of the aisles, their bright candy houses a welcome sight to any child. She craned her neck to look at the tree behind her. It had turned out better than she could possibly have imagined with each ornament hanging off the branches.

In studying the decorations, Olivia realized she knew a lot more about Luke than she was giving herself credit for. She may not know the name of his childhood pet or even the names of his parents, but she knew what kind of a man he was.

Luke was the person who would put his personal comfort aside to help a friend in need. He was someone who supported not just Olivia, but all of his employees. He had poured his heart and his soul into making a company that was a positive place to work.

When compared side by side, Olivia realized that the physical attraction was just part of the picture. She was going to get to know Luke better, and if that involved more kissing, she didn’t see how that could be a problem.

Thinking about Luke was giving Olivia a second wind. She walked over to the holly berries and began to stick them between the branches. When she stepped back, the Santa booth was ready.

* * *

Tara was waitingfor Olivia when she got back to the office. “I heard about the elevator. Are you okay?”

Olivia’s cheeks flared with heat.

“I see,” Tara said. “I’m guessing Luke took good care of you?”

Olivia pressed her face to her hands. “Stupid blushing gene. One day they will find a cure for blushing, and none of you will know what I’m thinking.”

“Does this mean you guys are finally going to start dating?” Tara crossed her fingers and held them in front of her face.

It was a perfect time to tease Tara. “I don’t know. I mean, Luke is cute but I’ve got a pretty good secret Santa. Maybe I’ll date him instead.”

Tara’s mouth dropped open. “You figured it out.”

“Yep. I did. I believed you when you said that the drawing wasn’t rigged, but there was no way Luke and I could both pick the last paper.”

“Dang it.” Tara said. “I should have written his name on a bunch of papers. Then you’d have thought it was luck.”

Olivia reached for Tara’s arm. “I’m genuinely grateful that you intervened. Luke and I have had some hard conversations, and I know we have many more conversations to come, but I think we’re in a good place.”

As if on cue, Luke came out of his office and walked to Olivia’s side. “Did I hear my name?”

Olivia’s face was flaming with heat. He wasn’t even touching her and she was blushing like Rudolph’s nose.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Tara said. She walked to her office and shut the door.

“One day I’m going to get used to having you stand next to me,” Olivia said.

“I believe you. In the meantime, I have something I need your help with.”

Olivia followed Luke into the office.