That stopped Susan in her tracks. “That was the day the newspaper article came out, right?”
“Yeah. I had convinced Olivia no one would recognize her, and then Brittany put the pieces together.”
“But she still kept talking to you, right?”
“I guess. I mean, she kind of has to because I’m her boss.”
Susan’s pacing was making Luke tired. “Yes and no. She seemed genuinely worried about you when we had lunch together. I could tell she was trying to be supportive of me, but if we asked the company to take sides, she’d be team Luke all the way.”
“You’d think that, but you didn’t see her face when she left the room. Instead of my team, I think she’d choose any random stranger walking down the street.
Susan’s pacing took her near Luke’s chair. He reached out a hand to stop her. “You’re going to make me dizzy.”
“Sorry. I think better when I’m on my feet.” Susan sank to the chair. “Tell me about the beginning of your day. What happened before you made Olivia mad?”
“She figured out I was her secret Santa.”
“Seriously? What are the odds of that happening?”
Luke smiled. “We have Tara to thank for that. She rigged the names.”
“So, you got Olivia.”
“Yep. And she got me.”
Susan rubbed her hands together. “I see. And Olivia put the pieces together. Why would that make her mad?”
“I don’t know that she was mad so much as confused.”
Susan ran a hand through her hair. “Do you want to know what I think?”
Luke was desperate for any solution. “Yes, please.”
“I think you’re going to have to give her time to come around.”
“That’s your answer? Sit around and do nothing?” Luke wasn’t sure he could handle that. He needed to fix things with Olivia. Not ignore them.
“You have two more days of secret Santa. I’d stick with the gifts you had planned and follow her lead. She knows her Santa is you. If she’s comfortable, she may open up.”
It wasn’t a plan Luke could control, but if it meant winning Olivia over eventually, he was all for it. “Thanks, Susan. If you ever need me to put in a good word with your new crush, let me know.” She laughed, and a lightness filled Luke’s heart. All he needed was a good dose of Christmas magic and the hope that Olivia would forgive him.
Olivia left Luke’s office with her mind reeling. He had confessed to fake dating Susan, but the relationship felt too real. They were comfortable together, like a couple who had been dating for so long, they had moved past the awkward beginning phases. There was no way that relationship was entirely for show.
Whatever the relationship, Olivia knew she wasn’t going to get anywhere with Luke when all she felt like doing was punching the guy. He had lied to her. Again. It was beginning to feel like Luke’s go-to move.
Not sure if you want to use your own name when you meet a pretty girl? Lie and use your best friend’s name instead. Not sure what to do about an incriminating photo? Why would you bother to speak to the woman in the photo? Nope. Instead, make up a fake relationship so the woman feels like crap.
Luke’s playbook seemed pretty lame when Olivia thought about it. She couldn’t even confront him directly because she wouldn't know if his answer was the truth or another lie.
It wasn’t time for another break, but Olivia had to get out of the office immediately or she was going to end up saying something she couldn’t take back. She grabbed her scarf and coat and headed down to the parking garage. They would have to figure out how to make do without her for the rest of the day.
The snow had eased up slightly since her lunch run, but the plows had been through, making the roads slightly more visible. Olivia turned on her blinker, waiting for a large gap in the traffic before she pulled out. There was no trusting her wheels to grip the road in this type of weather.
Every stoplight on the way home was a test in patience as Olivia had to gently pump the brakes, praying that her car would stop instead of skidding out. Her hands were shaking by the time she pulled in front of her apartment building. Luckily, with everyone gone to work, there was a parking spot right outside the stairwell.
Olivia kicked her boots on the doormat before she let herself into her apartment. She needed advice, and she knew just who to call.