Page 53 of The Santa Swap

Sylvie laughed. “You are too sweet. Your brother is a great helper for me. We make a good team, which leads me back to this boss situation. Like I was saying before, Luke isn’t exactly dealing with the same set of rules as we are. I know I haven’t found myself plastered across the tabloids of a newspaper before. Have you?”

Olivia smiled. “Well, actually, I have been. The press didn’t know who I was though.”

Sylvie sucked in her breath. “Why didn’t I hear about this?”

Olivia rolled over so she was staring at the ceiling. “It didn’t seem important at the time. I mean, no one could tell it was me. Well, except for one coworker but she agreed to keep things quiet.”

Sylvie began counting to ten.

“What are you doing?” Olivia asked.

“When I get super frustrated with the boys, I’ve found that counting helps me to calm my nerves. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about the newspaper.”

“It wasn’t like you could do anything about it.”

“Yeah, except take a few copies and frame them. You’re sideways famous.”

Olivia loved Sylvie’s made-up phrases. “That’s not a real thing.”

“Well, it is to me. It helps make my point though. We’re not dealing with a normal guy here. Do you think he was lying to deceive you or was he genuinely trying to keep you safe?”

That was the question that swirled through Olivia’s mind. “He said he was trying to keep me safe. I feel so stupid though. I thought he and Susan were such a cute couple together.”

“Oh, Sweetie. If I’ve learned anything in my life, I’ve learned that there is always another side. Were there any indications that Luke was still interested in you?”

Olivia thought back to the decorating contest. “He made sure we were on the same team at the work party, but I thought that he was just being kind.”

“This is a guy we’re talking about. They don’t usually do things without some sort of a good reason. Is it possible he was trying to spend more time with you?”

Olivia remembered all the times he had stopped by her office. “I guess he has been spending more time with me. He always made it clear that we were just friends though.”

“Didn’t you specifically friend zone him? It sounds like he’s respecting your boundaries”

Olivia held the phone in front of her, putting it on speaker while she headed to the entryway. She grabbed her scarf off the hook on the wall and wound it around her neck. “You’re pretty smart sometimes. Did you know that?”

Sylvie laughed. “I aim to please. If you like the guy, and I think you do, then give him a chance to tell you how sorry he is. I don’t think you’ll regret it.”

“Thanks, Sylvie. I knew you’d have the perfect advice for me. Give the boys kisses from their favorite aunt.”

“Always. You’ve got this.”

Olivia hung up the phone, her heart filled with a steadying calm. She pulled on her jacket and headed out into the cold. The situation with Luke was complicated, but Olivia wasn’t going to run. She was going to listen to what he had to say without judging. It was the only way to see if their friendship was worth keeping.

* * *

Outside,the snow had grown into a full-blown blizzard. Every time Olivia scraped the snow off her windshield, a new layer appeared. She debated about staying home, but she really wanted to talk to Luke. She was three blocks down the road when she realized just how foolish it would be to drive all the way to work. Making up with Luke was going to have to wait.

The following morning the snow hadn’t abated. Olivia’s arms were burning by the time she was done clearing off her car. At least the snowplows had been through, leaving the roads slippery but drivable.

Olivia walked into work, shaking the snow from her shoulders. There was a short, open walkway that led from the parking garage to the building, with just enough distance to let Olivia be completely covered by the time she reached the lobby. She rode the elevator up to the top floor, eager to talk to Luke.

He was in his office, on a phone call with someone who was making him gesture wildly with his hands. That was usually a bad sign. Luke’s face broke into a smile when he saw Olivia. He gave her a small wave and then went back to his conversation.

It was clear that Luke was going to be occupied for a while so Olivia went to work at her desk. She pulled out a list of people she had been meaning to call. One of their orders had been delayed for over a month, and it was time to choose a different supplier.

The snow outside was blowing against the window pane, the sky dark with the fury of the storm. Olivia was grateful for her warm office and all the winter clothes she had collected. She knew there were a number of people who were not so fortunate.

Olivia pulled up the plans for the photo booth. She had been spending time after work each night working on the decorations surrounding Santa’s chair. Everything was starting to look perfect. All it needed now was a few more poinsettias and some holly berries to tuck between the leaves.