Page 44 of The Santa Swap

Luke's face broke into a grin, making the dimples on his cheeks stand out. “Definitely. It was kind of fun to feel like a spy on a mission.”

The opportunity to throw Luke off her scent was too strong to resist. “I guess there’s a lot of that sneaking around today. Did you see the vase of flowers I got?”

Luke nodded. “They are pretty.”

“And festive.” Olivia pointed to the chicken and the cow. “These guys crack me up.”

Luke snort laughed. “I can’t believe someone thought they’d sell enough Santa cow flower picks to make it a thing.”

“I know. I kind of love it though. It makes me giggle every time I look at the flowers.”

Luke flicked the Santa cow with his finger, sending the cow dancing back and forth. “I guess that means your Santa did well?”

“Santa did.” Olivia looked at the flowers. “Do you know what this reminds me of?”

Luke shrugged. “Christmas time on a farm?”

“Yes, but it also kind of looks like something they’d use to decorate the Frisky Cow Cafe.”

Luke reached for the Chicken Santa, pulling it out to study it. “I think I can see that. I guess if you get tired of farm decorations, you can take it over to them as a surprise.”

He put the chicken back and headed to the door. “I’m going to grab the Paully files and then I’ll be right back.”

Olivia’s pulse was thumping loudly in her ears. He was going to see his gift any moment. Hopefully he liked it.

A minute later, Luke was standing back in Olivia’s office. “Did you notice anyone coming upstairs while I was helping Brittany?”

She had already thought of the lie to cover her tracks. “There were a few people, but I didn’t pay much attention. Why?”

Luke pulled the present out from behind his back. “This was waiting on my desk.”

“Your secret Santa came?” Olivia widened her eyes like she was totally surprised. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying better attention.”

“It’s supposed to be a surprise, so I guess I forgive you.” Luke tore the paper open, crumpling it into a ball that he shoved in the trash. When he pulled out the decoration, he held it in front of him, turning the rock so he could study it from every direction.

Waiting for Luke to give a reaction was going to send Olivia to the hospital with a heart attack. She only had five days to surprise him without the gifts having to mean something.

Luke sucked in his breath. “This. Is. The. Coolest. Thing. Ever.” He held it out to Olivia, a giant grin on his face.

Olivia tried to sound natural while she laughed. “Is that a Santa hat on the red rocks?”

“Yep. I can’t believe how perfect it is.”

Warmth trickled through her veins. Luke liked the gift. “It will look cute on your bookshelf,” she said, knowing full well it was a decoration for the fish tank.

He shook his head. “No way. This baby is going in the fish tank. I don’t know why I never thought to decorate for them.”

“Hopefully they like their holiday spirit.” She got up and followed him out to the foyer where the large tank was.

Luke rolled up his sleeves and plunged his arm into the water. Olivia had to stop herself from ogling his arms. They were usually covered with long sleeves. Now his muscles were on full display. Luke nestled the red rock formation into the bottom of the tank, pushing small gravel to anchor it in place.

He pulled his arm out and Olivia handed him a towel from the cupboard beneath the tank.

“Thanks,” he said.

She stepped back to watch the fish, and Luke joined her. A minute later Gary came out of his office.

“What are we looking at?” he asked.