It was a completely different direction than Olivia was expecting. “Mostly, yes. I knew this job would open up opportunities for growth that I wasn’t getting in the small town I was from.”
“I think it is brave that you came here to work. I don’t know if I could have left my family behind.” Tara tossed a couple of names into the bowl on Olivia’s desk. “Do you feel like you’re settling into things here?”
Olivia had to pause to think of an honest answer. “It’s been a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I think finding friends is harder the older you get. In my teens, I’d show up to a dance club or a party and there were instant friends. Now I’ve put most of my partying days behind me.”
“I hear that. I’m still friends with the people I met when I was in college, and that group hasn’t changed much except to add in the occasional spouse.”
Olivia was folding the names into small papers. “I’m pretty confident that I’ll make more friends as I get to know the people at work. Ever since the party, people have been saying hi to me everywhere I go. I feel bad that I don’t know all their names.”
Tara leaned in and lowered her voice. “Is it bad to say that I don’t know their names either? I know most of the people, but the new hires have me scratching my head.”
That made Olivia feel better. If one of the vice presidents was still learning names, she was in good company.
It took less time than Olivia had expected to finish all the papers. The names stacked in the bowl looked like way more people than Olivia expected. “Are you sure we got everyone?” she asked. Christmas spirit would be ruined for someone if they were left out.
“I’m pretty sure we’re okay. How about we have the upper floor draw last? That way, if we’re short on names, we can discreetly figure out who has been missed.”
Olivia nodded. The solution was great, but she sincerely hoped they had found everyone so they didn’t have to do detective work to figure things out. “Thanks for your help. Do you want me to send out an email to tell everyone the names are ready?”
“I’ve got it. I’ll pass the names out.” Tara shook the papers in the bowl. “Let the Christmas festivities begin!”
* * *
It took longerfor everyone to draw their names than Olivia expected. By the time the late-afternoon rolled around, she was eager to find out who she would get. There were lots of inexpensive things she could give a woman, like the pair of reindeer earrings she had seen at the store. She’d have to think a little harder if she got a man.
Olivia was tucking a notebook into her purse when Tara walked in the room.
“How did it go, giving out the names?” Olivia asked. “Did anyone draw their own name?”
Tara’s eyes twinkled. “Only two of them, but they were able to redraw immediately. I think people are excited.”
“I know I’ve been waiting for my name all afternoon. I hope the person I choose is someone who likes cute things, because I have so many ideas for what to do.”
Tara’s smile faltered. “I hope you don’t mind, but you’re the last person to draw. I mean, it’s all random so it shouldn’t matter what order you drew in, but you won’t get the satisfaction of rummaging through too many papers.”
Olivia reached for the paper. “It doesn’t matter to me.” She closed her hands around the final paper and pulled it out of the bowl. “Now, shoo. I can’t read this if you’re standing here. What if it’s you?”
“Good point.” Tara winked and headed out the door.
Adrenaline shot through Olivia’s body as she unfolded her secret Santa name.
It was Luke.
This had to be a mistake. What were the odds of Olivia pulling the name of the one person who gave her the most conflicting emotions? She jumped up from her desk and hurried to the door.
“Tara?” she called.
Tara turned back around. “Yes?”
“Are you sure there was only one name left? Did you rig things?”
Tara planted her hands on her hips. “Now why would you accuse me of something like that? Did you get a name you didn’t like?” She stepped closer. “Did you get Pete? I hear he’s the worst with gift exchanges. Actually, it would just stink if he was the one giving gifts to you.”
Olivia shook her head. “Never mind. I was just surprised by my name. That’s all.”
Tara placed a hand on her arm. “Do you need me to swap with you? I have someone I don’t know really well so it wouldn’t matter to me who I get.”
That eliminated Tara as her secret Santa. Olivia took a deep breath. “It’s okay. I can make things work. Thanks.”