“Yes, and he doesn’t care.” I shrugged. “It’s fine.”



Iwas going to have to have a talk with these men. Zach was in the middle of a campaign for governor. He could not leave his young, beautiful daughter outside alone at night. I couldn’t believe Samuel would let his fiancé go home alone. If Trinity were mine, I’d be by her side every second of every day. If another man even so much as looked at her, I’d punch their lights out.

“It’s not fine, Princess. There’s a lot of crazy people out there. You shouldn’t be out here alone and you especially shouldn’t be going home alone. I’m going to talk to your father about getting you some protection.” I pulled out my phone.

“I do not need protection.” Trinity crossed her arms over her chest. Fuck, I lost all train of thought looking at those tits of hers.

“You’re stubborn, you know that?”

A car pulled up, and she walked to it. She put her hand on the handle and before opening it; she turned around. “Grant, no one cared about me before. I doubt anyone cares about me now.” Before I could answer, she was in the car and gone. I memorized the license plate of the car she drove off in just in case. One could never be too careful.

I walked over to the valet to get my keys. I didn’t wait for him to bring my car around, finding it myself. If Trinity was going to be so stubborn, I was going to follow her and make sure she got home okay.

I got into my Cadillac Escalade and entered Zach’s address into my GPS from an email. I broke every traffic law in the book, trying to catch up with her but the car she left in never even came into sight.

I finally got to the house and saw her getting out of the car at the gate. At least she didn’t let the Uber to the house. I was pleased to see she had a sliver of common sense.

I threw the Escalade into park and got out of the car. Trinity put her hands on her hips the moment she saw me, a look of fury on her gorgeous face.

“Grant!” She threw her hands up. “Oh, my god! Leave me the fuck alone. Am I going to have to call Dad’s security and get you thrown off the property? For fuck’s sake. You know, I did just fine before you came along. I don’t need you now.”

Damn she was cute when she was angry. I tried to hide a smile but couldn’t help myself.

“What are you smiling at?” Trinity rolled her eyes and went to the gate. “I swear, this night couldn’t get any worse.” She pressed a button and requested the gate be opened for her. She turned back to me. “I swear on baby jesus if you don’t leave I will have you arrested for trespassing.” She held up her phone. “Just try me.”

“Fine,” I replied and held up my hands. I wasn’t dumb and knew when to quit. “I’ll leave. Can I wait until you’re on the other side of the gate at least?”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. Trinity opened her mouth to say something when the gate opened. “Okay.” As soon as there was enough room, she hopped to the other side. She stood there staring at me as the gate opened all the way.

She did not know how much I wanted to grab her and kiss her and then spank that sass right out of her. Trinity was so quiet around her fiancé and dad. I wondered if they knew what a spitfire she really was.

“Are you happy now?” She blurted out to me when the gate closed.

“I’m waiting until it’s closed all the way.” I shook my head and tried not to chuckle.

“Ugh!” Trinity threw up her arms and turned around, beginning her walk up to the house.

“Good night, Princess. Sleep well. I hope your headache is gone soon,” I called out to her, leaning against the car.

When the gate clicked shut, I got back into my Escalade. I shook my head and smiled as I started the car and headed to my condo.

I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand and yawned. Truth be told, I was exhausted. This job kept me on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Zach was paying me extra for exclusivity. He wanted all of my attention. I chalked it up to him being a selfish prick but after seeing the way he treated his own daughter tonight; I had a feeling he had some big skeletons in his closet he needed kept hidden.

When I got home, I went upstairs and fired up my laptop. I’d already done a standard background check on Zach when he approached me to work for him, but it was time for a more extensive search. While I was at it, I was going to check on Trinity’s finance, Samuel. He rubbed me the wrong way, and I noticed the way he manhandled Trinity.

No one else seemed to look out for her, so someone had to.

I changed into some basketball shorts and a t-shirt, and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. It was going to be a long night.

I finally sat down on my couch and turned on ESPN for some background noise. I had access to all the databases and files out there. A top-notch IT guy was on my payroll, and there was nothing he couldn’t get me into.

It wasn’t long before I found out more information on Zach and Samuel. The two had met at some sort of auction for girls. And we’re in business together. The business of trafficking women.

I scrubbed my face with my hand and closed my laptop. The thought of Trinity marrying a man like that made me sick to my stomach. I doubted she had any idea what was going on in her family.