Who the fuck was the angel?

I watched as this blonde-haired beauty in a black off the shoulder dress walked down the stairs. Her golden hair was pulled up into some sort of messy bun and she floated on black high heels.

“Grant, have you met my fiancé, Trinity Johnson? She’s Zach Johnson’s daughter.”

Samuel Thomas, the campaign manager for my newest client, Zach Johnson broke the spell. “Darling, this is the infamous Grant Miller.”

“No, I’ve not had the pleasure.”

Trinity held out a hand and gave me a dazzling smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Grant. I’ve heard so much about you. I understand you’re the man that’s going to get my father in the governor’s mansion.”

I took her hand in mine and shook it firmly, reveling in the way her soft hand fit with mine. “I certainly hope so. It’s nice to meet you, as well.” I held on to her hand longer than necessary and noticed the smile on her lips.

We made small talk for a few more minutes while we waited for the guest of honor, Zach Johnson, to make an appearance. This dinner was a kickoff to his campaign for governor, so we couldn’t start the festivities without him.

They had hired me as a political consultant to help with Zach’s campaign. That was my official title, but really, I was the one that did the dirty work to get someone elected. If anyone running for political office had any skeletons in their closet, I was the guy hired to help keep them hidden. I made sure everything ran smoothly and there were no surprises.

When I met Zach and his campaign manager Samuel, I didn’t like them very much. I’m not paid to like people though. I go where the money is and the money in this case was way too good to pass up.

I’d seen pictures of Trinity here and there, but Zach had kept her out of the public eye for most of his political career. Her mother and Zach’s wife had been killed in a freak car jacking when Trinity was thirteen and he’d decided it would be best to shield her from any more press.

Now that things were heating in Zach’s career and he was running for governor, they had advised him to involve her more in the campaign. People loved a single dad story, so it was a good idea to show her off to the press.

Zach finally arrived, coming to greet his daughter first with a kiss on the cheek and shake Samuel’s hand. This whole dynamic was fascinating and one I’d have to monitor.

“Grant, I’m glad to see you.” Zach came over and shook my hand. “I see you’ve met my daughter.”

I glanced over at her talking with Samuel. He had a hand on the small of her back and was whispering something in her ear. She didn’t look thrilled with him but when I caught her eye, the fake smile was plastered back on her face.

I’d been in this business a long time and seen many relationships. The more I watched Samuel and Trinity, the more I suspected their marriage was for political gain and pushed by her father than two people that loved each other.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her the rest of the night. It was a typical political dinner with a lot of bullshit. Usually I tried to duck out of stuff like this early, but I didn’t want to leave Trinity.

We didn’t really talk much, at least not one on one, but I overheard her in some discussions with others, and she was a smart girl. From her bio and the pictures I’d seen, I pegged her as a stone cold princess that only spent her father’s money.

I knew she didn’t work, having inherited a large trust fund when her mother died. Her mother was from a very wealthy and powerful political family. In my dealings with the underbelly of politics, rumor had it Zach had the whole thing staged, but there’s been no actual proof. Again, nothing surprised me anymore. People did crazy things for power.

In the evening, I watched a heated discussion between her and Samuel again. This time she stormed off, presumably headed to the ladies’ room. I excused myself from the conversation I was having and followed her. Honestly, Zach and Samuel shouldn’t let her go far alone in this stage of the campaign. There were a lot of crazies out there. I should know - I dealt with most of them.

I kept my distance and to my surprise; she headed outside instead of to the bathroom. I would not let her go out there alone, so I joined her.

“Is everything okay?”

Trinity turned around, her eyes wide. She quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes. “I’m fine. I just needed some air.” She rubbed her arms. “I really should get back inside.”

I put my hands in my pockets and walked towards her, stopping in front of her. “It’s okay to need some air. These things are a lot and it's hard to keep a smile plastered on your face sometimes.”

Trinity narrowed her eyes at me. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“I’ve been watching you, Trinity. You’re doing a good job acting like the dutiful fiancé and daughter, but I know people. It’s my job to know people. Things are never as perfect as they seem.” I reached out and tucked a stray hair behind her ear, leaving in. “I know you aren’t as happy as you show the cameras.”

Trinity took a step back. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you don’t even know me. Now please get out of my way so I can get back to my fiancé.”

“Sure thing, Princess.” I moved out of the way and let Trinity by, watching her as she walked. She had more fire in her than I thought.