Page 13 of Game Changer

She let out a small laugh. “I have a feeling you could come up with something.”

He shrugged a shoulder and grasped his erection with one hand, letting his grip work slowly up and down the length. He was hard as freaking steel for her and all she’d done so far was stand before him looking so damn unsure of herself yet so incredibly gorgeous at the same time.

“But, it might not be what you want. I want to know whatyouwant, Ash. Everything you want.”

She shifted on her feet a little then all but whispered.

“Will you spank me?” she asked softly and his cock jerked in his hand, growing harder still. His hand itched to reach out and grab her but he forced himself to move slowly.

“Anything and everything you want, wild thing. Always,” he said, then took her hand and drew her down to his lap. She wriggled as her side pressed into his erection when he draped her over his lap and slid one hand over her round bottom. He tugged her panties down off her legs and gritted his teeth at the sight of her cheeks bared to him, so creamy white and gorgeous. He could feel her tense beneath him and knew the anticipation itself was adding to the experience for her. He leaned in close.

“Are you sure, wild thing? Are you absolutely sure you can handle this?”

“Yes,” she gasped, her breath nothing but a pant as he let one hand fall on her gorgeous white cheek, drawing a beautiful pink tone to the surface and a mind numbing moan of pleasure from her. Her moans and wriggles grew as he let loose another five slaps, the sound resonating as her skin grew more sensitive and his erection screamed out to be inside her.

Rafe slipped his hand between her thighs and delved into the silken folds, creamy and wet and waiting for him. He drew his fingers up and down, murmured to her, telling her how wet she was, how hot she felt in his lap. She cried out in pleasure as he let his fingers and the slick moisture he’d found in her folds coat her between the cheeks of her ass.

“Please,” she gasped, her wriggling never stopping long enough to ease the pain of need that had now taken over his cock.

“Please what, Ash?” he asked, his hands continuing to tease.

“I can’t say it,” she said, squirming.

“Then I can’t do it, baby,” he said and laughed when he heard his good little teacher curse under her breath. She shifted back, pressing herself into his hand, but he resisted, not letting her have what he knew she needed without asking him.

She groaned and whispered her answer. “Please, put your fingers inside me.”

“Where, Ashlyn? You’ll have to be very specific.”

She wriggled more and he could imagine the pout on her sweet lips. “Everywhere. Please, Rafe,” she whimpered her plea and he gave her what she wanted, sending her writhing again. He couldn’t take much more of this, and yet, at the same time, he wanted to do this to her—for her—forever.

“Why does that feel so good?” she asked as he caressed her skin and reached beneath her to take one nipple between his fingers and squeeze. He felt her orgasm race through her as she threw herself into his hand, pressing him further into her. He felt her muscles clamp down on him as she cried out his name and realized he’d never known a bigger aphrodisiac than the sounds of her pleasure.

When she went limp in his lap, he slid his hands to her waist and lifted her so she straddled him, falling forward onto his shoulder, eyes glazed. Rafe reached for the pants he’d abandoned nearby, keeping one hand wrapped around Ashlyn’s waist to hold her snug to him. He pulled a condom from the pocket of his jeans and lifted her onto him, groaning as her heat wrapped around him and she slowly began to move, coming alive for him again.

But, he couldn't handle slow right now. He took control, lifting her up and down, thrusting up into her until he felt a snap and he was coming in waves inside of her, never wanting this moment to end but knowing it would have to. Knowing someday he’d have to give her up. He wouldn’t keep her no matter how much he wanted to—but right now he didn’t know how he’d manage to let her go when the time came. So, he stayed inside of her as she snuggled into his neck. He wrapped his arms around her and held on, ignoring reality for just a short while and focusing instead on the feel of her curvy, soft body lying contently on top of him, completely sated, just as he was.

Ashlyn stirred as Rafe lifted her and carried her to his bed. Her whole body felt completely at ease and content and that, honestly, scared the daylights out of her. This was temporary. She knew that. She wasn’t an idiot. She was very aware of what Rafe could and couldn’t offer her. He could offer her a good time. He could help her learn to speak up about her needs in the bedroom. He could bring her to mind-blowing orgasms, the likes of which she had to wonder if she’d ever be able to repeat again.

But, he couldn’t give her more than that. What Elise and Kane had found was rare and she couldn’t expect that of Rafe. She knew he was a player, one hundred percent committed to maintaining his bachelor status. When her pregame kiss was no longer part of his routine, when she no longer brought him the luck he thought he needed to play well, she would be gone. And, somehow, someway, she needed to brace herself for that.

She needed to keep herself from falling for this man.

He lay her down and let his body cover hers, kissing her softly, tenderly, and it took all her strength not to read more into his actions than he intended. This time, when he entered her it was slowly, with all the gentleness she’d have thought came with love, not a deal. They moved together, not talking, no more whispers, just their bodies moving as one. They reached their orgasms together again, and she cried out, clutching his arms as a wave of sheer pleasure hit her almost as hard as the emotions that had been washing over her. Unbidden and unwanted emotions she didn’t seem to be able to control.

Rafe drew the covers over her then went to the bathroom, where she heard the water run. He returned and tugged her close, falling asleep almost the minute his head hit the bed. Ashlyn lay still in his arms, listening to the sound of his breath, watching his chest rise and fall. She wanted to run her hands over his body, memorize the feel of him beneath her fingers. But, she didn’t. She wouldn’t let herself. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep but it didn’t come for a long time. She was falling, and she didn’t seem to be doing a damned thing about it.

Chapter Ten

The nights with Ashlyn were more than Rafe had ever hoped for and weeks flew by without him giving any thought to how long he'd been with her or whether he might be getting a little too attached. Each night, she’d tell him a different fantasy or he’d come up with something on his own. A week ago, they’d sat in his bed, her cradled between his legs with her back to his chest as they watched a porno he’d pulled up on the large screen TV on his wall. When he’d whispered into her ear that he wanted to watch her masturbate then led her hands to her body, she hesitated only a minute before she’d begun to touch her breasts. He’d been enthralled, watching her as she watched the scene play out on the screen in front of them, her breathing becoming ragged as her fingers slid over her clitoris and dipped between her legs. Christ, when she’d come apart in his arms to her own hand, he’d nearly come himself from the sight alone.

They spent every night they could together, her packing as many of her tutoring appointments into his pregame practice time so she was free for games and long, sexy nights with him. They often spent his nights off at a restaurant, talking long into the evening. He used to view dinners as something he had to get through to get to the good stuff with a woman. Even though he couldn't wait to get Ashlyn home and strip her clothes off, he wasn't as impatient to get through their meals. He liked spending time with her dressed as well as undressed.

There had been one away game she hadn’t been able to make it to. She’d had to fly back early for an appointment she wasn’t able to rearrange. They’d made up for the missed pregame kiss when he called her before the game, whispering into the phone as she masturbated for him, her needy moans nearly killing him as he jacked off in one of the bathrooms, gritting his teeth in silence so no one would hear him if they came back to the locker room for anything.

Now, back at the Strikers’ home field, he walked in the locker room to find Aiden and Gage glaring at him from the chairs in front of their lockers. He knew what they were ticked off about. His last few games, he’d played like crap. His batting average was slipping lower than it ever had. He didn’t know what was going on with his game, but he did know his focus was shot. His mind was with Ashlyn, not on the game.

He scowled right back at his friends and threw his bag into the locker with a lot more force than necessary. He was determined to focus on the game today, to figure out what the hell he needed to do to get his game back. He knew what he needed to do, though. He needed to back away from Ashlyn. Aiden and Gage had told him it was time to change his superstitions. They’d even used that word instead of talking about it as a routine, and that had stung. But, they were right. He had to put some space between he and Ashlyn and get back to what worked. She wasn’t working for him right now.