“Would you believe me if I said yes?”

“I don’t know,” she said softly.“I don’t know if you’re in love or if you’re just saying that because I’ve been ignoring you for a week, and you’re an alpha male, and you always have to be in charge, and—”

“Valentina Ford, I love you.And I’m sorry I’ve made a mess of this entire thing.I just didn’t know myself.I didn’t know to recognize the signs.I mean, that first night we met, I knew we had something, but I didn’t know what it was.And every single time I’ve seen you, you’ve opened up another piece of me, and I’ve never felt so alive in my life.”

“So you really love me, Sam Valenti?”

“I really love you, Valentina.Can I see you?”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Sam.I just—”

“Please.”I wanted to tell her everything.I wanted to tell her that her dad had paid me for a job, and that’s why I’d initially met her.But I couldn’t tell her over the phone.I couldn’t risk her not seeing me again because I knew news like that would break her heart even more.I knew news like that would make her doubt me even more.I had to be with her in person.I had to see her with my own two eyes, hold her, touch her, and let her know as sincerely as possible that the feelings I had for her were real and had nothing to do with the job.

“You can come over tomorrow,” she said, finally.


“Yeah, you can come for dinner.We can make pasta.”

“You really do like cooking, don’t you?”I said with a small laugh.

“I’m trying to practice recipes for when I open my café,” she said softly.

“I thought it was going to be a coffee shop with dogs.”

“Yeah, but I need to make money.I’ll have to have food as well.”She giggled.

“True.I didn’t think about that.You really are quite the businesswoman.”

“I don’t know about that.My dad doesn’t seem to think so,” she said, and I felt my heart stirring.I needed to tell her before this went on too long.“I’ll be there whatever time you want me to be.”

“Come over at seven?”she said softly.

“Okay.And can I bring anything?”

“Just yourself.”

“No wine or …?”

“Okay, bring a bottle of wine.Oh, and some dessert.”

“Dessert?What would you fancy?”

“Surprise me,” she said, laughing.

“I’ve missed you, Valentina.I’ve missed talking to you.I’ve missed seeing you.I’ve missed touching you.”

“I’ve missed you, too, Sam.”

“I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“I know, but that doesn’t excuse it.The way you treated me when we were in the park, the way you made me feel like I was worthless.You wanted to hurt me, and you really did, and I’m not ready to completely forgive you just yet.”

“I understand.What I did was cold and harsh.And even though I was reacting to something I thought was true, it doesn’t excuse the way that I spoke to you or treated you.”

“It doesn’t, but I’m excited to see you.”

“I’m excited to see you, too, Valentina.”