“Yes, Dad.”

“Have you spoken to her?”

I nodded.

“And what does she want?”

“She wants to see you.”

“She wants to see me?”He said the words as if they were a foreign language.

I watched as he rubbed his forehead and finished the rest of his beer.He slammed the bottle down on the coffee table and jumped up.I watched as he walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and took out another beer.He popped the cap off and then downed it within two minutes.He put the bottle back on the countertop and opened the fridge again.

“No, Dad, don’t get drunk because of her.”

He turned to look at me.There was a weird expression on his face.“She’s back after all these years?”

“Yeah, Dad.And she wants to see you.”

“Okay,” he said, nodding as he walked back over to me.

“Okay?”I stared at him in shock.“What do you mean okay?”

“I’ll see her.”

“What about Annie?”

“I don’t care about Annie.She was fucking hitting on you.She was hitting on Stefano.Shit, if Sergio or Santino would’ve given her the time of day, she would’ve been hitting on them too.”

“And you don’t care?”

“No, I don’t care.It’s not like I’m going to marry the girl.”

I pressed my lips together.“So then why …?”

“Don’t question it, Sam.”

“What about Sienna?”I said softly.

My dad looked at me with a confused expression on his face.“What about Sienna?”

“She’s been in your life for such a long time.”

“She’s my best friend,” he said.“She’ll understand.She knows what I went through.She was there when Patti left.She saw the aftermath.She helped me with you boys.She’d want the best for me.”

I pressed my lips together.If my dad didn’t want to acknowledge that Sienna had real feelings for him, then I wasn’t going to make him.I was the last person to be giving relationship advice or telling him how he should or shouldn’t treat a woman in his life.“Okay then,” I said, “I’ll tell Stefano that you’ll meet her.”

She’s in town?”

“Yeah, she’s in town.”

“How’d she look?”he asked softly.I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to say.

“She looked good, Dad.She looked good.”

“And how do you feel?”

I was surprised by his question.“What do you mean?”