“Hey, Valentina.Is this a good time?”

“Not really,” she said.“David, this is Sam.Sam, this is David.

“David?”Now it was my turn to look confused.“I thought he was Connor.”

“I don’t even know who Connor is,” Valentina snapped.“Sam, David is an artist friend of mine.I commissioned him to make a painting for you.”

“You what?”And that was when I noticed that David had something in his hand.

“Hey.This is for you,” David said and held up the painting.It was of my brothers and me.I blinked in surprise.

“What is this?”

“David’s an artist.A really talented one.And I knew you were feeling down, and I know your brothers are everything to you, so I commissioned him to do a painting.I wanted to gift it to you because I wanted you to have something special.I feel like you do so much for your family and everyone else, yet no one does anything special for you.So I wanted to be the one who did.”She pressed her lips together.“It’s beautiful, David.Thank you.I hope you like it, Sam.”

“I do,” I said.I didn’t know what to say.I ran my hands through my hair, and guilt washed over me.I was ashamed of myself.I treated her horribly, and I—

“I can’t do this anymore, Sam.”She shook her head.“You’re not going to use me.You’re not going to just fuck me when you want to and then go cold on me.I know you’ve been through a lot, but no.I’m better than this.I don’t need this.It’s over, whatever this was.”She held her hands up in the air.“Which I don’t even know.I’m so confused.Just lose my number.”

“Valentina, wait.I—”

“No,” she said, one solitary tear falling down her cheek.“I don’t want to hear it.I’m done.”