“Hi, Gabriella.Please don’t hang up.It’s me.Sam Valenti.”
“You.”Her tone changed immediately.“How did you get my number?”
“Sergio gave it to me.”
“That bastard.”
“Please don’t hang up.I need to talk to you.”
“What do you want?”
“It’s about Valentina.”
“Well, I guessed it was about Valentina.But you’re a dog.You were working for her dad to break her and Shane up.And you pretended that was just a chance meeting?How shady are you?”
“So you know everything?”
“Of course, I know everything.I’m her best friend.I mean, I thought you were a dog because of your mommy issues.I didn’t know you were a dog because you were taking money to—”
“Wow, Gabriella.Thank you for judging me harshly.”
“I’m just being honest and truthful.You broke Valentina’s heart.How dare you sleep with her when you knew she was falling in love with you and you were just doing it for a job?That crossed so many ethical lines.I have a mind to report you to—”
“Who are you going to report me to, Gabriella?”
“I don’t know.The police and maybe the private detective agency or the FBI.I don’t know.I’ll figure it out.”
I was silent for a couple of seconds.“I know I messed up, Gabriella.I really messed up.But I love Valentina, and I really would like the chance to explain.”
“Sure you love her.You just want her dad’s money because he’s loaded.”
“I don’t care about her dad’s money.None of this was about her dad’s money.”I paused.“Okay, initially he hired me for a job, but as soon as I met her, it was no longer about the job.It became about the chemistry I had with her and—”
“And what?”
“And the fact that my heart felt like I’d met her in another life.”She was silent.“It’s hard to explain.I mean, it seems like Valentina has filled you in on a lot of my past, but I didn’t grow up with a lot of love in my life.Or rather, growing up, I felt like I didn’t have love.I’ve since come to realize that wasn’t true.Yes, my mom left us, but I had my dad and my brothers, and I had Sienna and I had Elise, and we made an awesome family.I guess I just didn’t appreciate it.I didn’t realize because I was so hurt by my mother’s leaving.That rejection was something I carried with me.And it wasn’t until I met Valentina and …”
“And what?”she said when I was silent for a few seconds.
“It’s hard to explain, but it was almost like I’d been waiting my entire life for that moment.”
“For what moment?”she said softly.
“For that moment she was going to walk up to me in a bar and kiss me, not even knowing my name.I thought about Valentina’s face and the way her hazel eyes had sparkled as she looked into mine after she’d kissed me.It was surreal.And I think I fell in love with her right then.And I need to speak to her.I just want her to understand that none of this was about her father’s money.And I just want her to know that even if she doesn’t want to give me another chance, I don’t want her to carry the burden of thinking I was only interested in her because of her money.”
“I mean, it sure does sound romantic,” Gabriella said with a sigh.“But—”
“But what?”
“I don’t know.I don’t want you to break her heart again, and I don’t want her to be mad at me if I get you into contact with her.”
“I understand that, Gabriella.I mean, you have to do what’s best for your friendship and for your friend.”
“She’s my best friend, you know?She’s always been there for me.She’s always looked out for me, and she’s always had more confidence and love for me than I’ve had for myself.She’s the reason …” She paused.“Well, I don’t want to get into too much of my own personal life, but she really is the best friend a girl could have.You kind of broke her.And I don’t know if you deserve a second chance.”
“I know.And I understand.You know, she has so much going on in her life right now.She’s trying to start her puppy café.”And all of a sudden, an idea came to me.“Gabriella.Thank you.You’ve just given me the perfect idea.”
“I have?What do you mean?”