“What do you mean?”

“Let’s be real.None of us has ever had a proper relationship.And that’s because of Dad, because of the bimbos he doesn’t date for longer than a year because he doesn’t want to get his heart broken again.”

“Okay.But look, he’s got Sienna.He’s kept her in his life.”


“And I just think it’s rude.Look at freaking Annie.She’s a bimbo.”

“I mean, you’re not wrong about that, but obviously, Dad’s getting something from her.”

“What?I know he’s on Viagra.”

“What?”I said, shocked.

“I’ve seen the pills, dude.He’s barely able to keep up with her.And you know she was all over you.Shit, she’d be all over me too if she could be.”

“Stefano, really?”

“I’m not trying to be funny here, but that Annie she’s a ho.She’d be bouncing on all of our cocks if she could be.”

“Don’t let Dad hear you say that.”

“I’m just saying that Mom said she’s going to contact Santino and Sergio because we’re not the gatekeepers to the information that they have.And you know her, she will do it.”

“Okay.So what do you want me to do?”

“You need to speak to Dad about this, Sam.You need to get him ahead of the situation.”

I sighed, “Fine.I’ll go today.Are you coming?”

“I’ve got to go to the gym.I have to train.I’ve just got one last match.”

“I know.”I let out a deep sigh.“Fine.I’ll go now.”

“You okay, Sam?”

“Not really, but maybe this is the moment my entire life has been waiting for.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, maybe I’ve been living in some sort of weird reality that has kept me cloistered from any sort of real pain and emotions.And now, now that I’ve met someone who really matters, I screwed it up.”

“So are you going to try to get her back?”

“I can’t.You know that, Stefano.I work for her dad.I’m not good enough for her.Everything that we had is built upon lies.She’ll never forgive me.We’ve already been through so much.This will just be the icing on the cake.I don’t want to hurt her like that.”

“I understand, Sam.And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”


“Now you go and kick some ass in that gym.We really need you to win that match.”

“I’ll try my best, bro.I’ll try my best.”

We hung up, and I looked at my watch.It was midafternoon.Dad should still be home.I called him to make sure he was in before I headed over.

“Sam, what’s up?”my dad answered on the second ring.