Iwatched as Valentina spread out a cream-colored cotton blanket onto the grass and then had a seat.She patted the space next to her and looked up at me with beguiling eyes.“Come on, Sam.Sit.Aren’t you hungry?”

“A little bit,” I said as I stared at her.She looked adorable.Her hair was in two braids down her back, and she wore a flowery sundress that showed off her long, tan legs.I sat next to her and looked at the picnic basket in front of her.“So what did you get?”

“I didn’t buy it.I made everything.”

“What did you make?”I said with a slight chuckle.She seemed so earnest and cute.

“I made sausage rolls.”


“And I made cheese and onion pasties.”

“Cheese and onion what?”I stared at her in confusion.

“It’s English.They’re like pies, I guess, stuffed with cheese, onion, and potato.”

“Okay.And they taste good?”I asked.

“They taste absolutely amazing.I’ve always loved England.I’ve gone a couple of times with Gabriella when she went to visit her dad.”

“I thought she didn’t have any contact with her dad,” I asked.

“She has contact with him.He and her mother didn’t have a very good breakup, and, well, he was a little bit of an asshole, but she’s still seen him.He is a lord, you know.He’s not going to completely disown his child.Or rather, children.”

“I forgot he was a member of the aristocracy.I guess you and Gabriella are, really.”

“Please don’t, Sam,” she said, touching my arm lightly.“I know you like to think we’re from two different worlds, but we’re really not.”

“I think we are,” I said.“You could buy the world, and I’m lucky just to set foot on it.”

“Oh, Sam,” she said, shaking her head and leaning forward to kiss me.My eyes widened as her lips pressed against mine.There was a buzz of electricity between us.She stroked the side of my face.“It’s interesting, you know.”

“What’s interesting?”I asked.

“You.You’re so handsome and so outwardly strong, yet you’re so fragile inside.”

“That doesn’t make me sound like much of a man.”I rolled my eyes.

“No, it makes you sound like a human being,” she said.“It makes you sound like someone who has feelings and emotions and—”

“Valentina.”I pressed my finger against her lips.“I know you’re a woman, and I know women love to talk about feelings and emotions.But I’m a man, and I’m not about that.”

“Okay, fine,” she said.“Are you hungry?”

“I’m starving.Let’s eat.”

I watched as she opened the picnic basket and pulled out two white plates.

“Shall I serve you, or would you like to create your own plate?”

“You can do it,” I said, watching as she pulled out little containers.

“These are scotch eggs,” she said.

“Scotch what?”