Page 125 of Forbidden Arrangement

“Hmm, I think I asked first.”

“Yes, but you weren’t the one with a baton between your legs just now.”She winked at me and I felt myself growing hot at her comment.So she had felt my erection.I was surprised she’d brought it up, but then we did have a relationship where we could say anything to each other.Though, I wasn’t sure if we had a relationship where we could be sexually aroused by each other and just keep continuing to play it off.

“True,” I said, grinning at her.“But you’re not the one whose shorts feel like they were just dunked in water.”I paused and licked my lips.“Wet much?”

“Stefano!”She blushed and threw a pillow at me.I burst out laughing as I entered the bathroom and closed the door.I leaned back against it and took a couple of deep breaths.We were both playing with fire, and I wasn’t sure where this banter was going to lead.Most probably nowhere good.I needed to ignore the sparks that were flowing between us and focus.The last thing I needed right now was for my relationship with my best friend to explode.


“Hey Stefano, you’re late.”Tyrone looked up from the boxing bag he was holding as I made my way over to the weights.“You ready for tomorrow?”

“As ready as I will be.”I nodded and grabbed two 50lb dumbbells.“I’m only fighting Bradley...I’m not worried.”

“Bradley is known as Bradley The Menace for a reason.”Tyrone’s brow furrowed as he watched me do arm curls.“Don’t be so cocky.”

“You’re his buddy, you would say that.”I shrugged and looked away from him.It stung me that two people I was close to were now close to Bradley.Tyrone and I had been friends ever since I’d joined the gym.He was in his late 50s and older than me, but we’d always connected.He liked to talk about the Civil Rights Movement and I liked to talk about when my pops was in the mafia.I wasn’t sure how true most of our stories were, but I loved our conversations.The way he told stories, he grew up around Malcom X and Marcus Garvey and the way I told stories, Al Capone and Bugsy Malone were my dad’s best friends.We both loved hyperbole, but it was all in good fun.

“This is just a job to me man.”He shrugged and looked around the gym.“Everyone is in it for a different reason.”

“I’m in it for the money.”I threw my head back and laughed.“I’ve never made a secret of that.What’s Bradley in it for?Another thrill to get his little dick hard?”

Tyrone laughed and shook his head, his brown eyes crinkling in the corners as he sized me up.“You still sore your girl Elise is dating him?”

“She’s not my girl.”I pressed my lips together.I was reading to start hitting.

“My bad man...Your best friend.”He rubbed his palms together.“Anyways, I don’t like to get in people's business.I’ll let you get your practice on.”

“Thanks, though I’m ready.”

“You’re a good fighter.It’s in your blood.”

“You know it.”I grabbed a roll of gauze and starting wrapping my hands.“The power and energy I get from fighting is like no other.I’m just surprised my other brothers aren’t interested.”

“Didn’t I see Stefano getting his ass kicked the other night?”

“Maybe.”I laughed.“He’s a lover now, not a fighter.”

“He got a girl.”

“Yup.”I nodded.“Someone finally got him to settle down.”

“Well, I’ll be.”Tyrone grabbed a bag and held it up for me to punch.“I guess pigs can fly.”

“Maybe.”I right hooked the bag and then stepped back.“She’s a good girl, but it’s still strange to see my older brother so whipped.I stepped forward and then gave the bag a left look, and a right kick so fast that Tyrone went stumbling back.“Sorry man, I didn’t mean to come at you with so much energy.”Tyrone looked at me with knowing eyes and grinned.

“I’ll say you’re ready to kick some butt.”

“Yes, I am.”I dropped to the floor and started doing some push ups.“This is about honor and money.Once I’m done with Bradley, his pretty little face won’t be so pretty anymore.”

“Just remember what you’re doing this for.”Tyrone studied me for a few seconds, a look of concern on his face.“When someone is motivated by anger or revenge, it very rarely goes the way they want it to.”

“Don’t worry about me.”I was about to say something else about Bradley getting his just deserves when Tyrone’s phone started ringing.

“This is Tyrone,” He answered the phone gruffly and walked to the side of the room.I continued with my push-ups, trying not to think about Bradley and Elise.I just needed to concentrate on the fight.I needed to visualize myself winning and getting to the World Championships.I was so close to changing my life.I needed this.Just one more day to go and then I’d be on my way.

“Hey Stefano,” Tyrone’s voice boomed from above me.“There’s been a change.”

“What are you talking about?”I jumped up and shook my arms and legs out.Tyrone was wearing a Baywatch shirt that made me smile.Seeing Pamela Anderson across his chest was enough to put any man in a good mood.