Page 115 of Forbidden Arrangement

“What’s this?”

“Please, just look at it?”

She sighed and took the folder from me.I thought she was going to throw it on the ground.

“Please, Valentina, just open it.”

She shook her head, but then she opened it.She read the first page and frowned.Then she looked at the next page.She looked up at me with wide eyes.“What is this?”

“It’s a lease,” I said softly.

“I can see it’s a lease, but …” She shook her head and handed the file to Gabriella.“Read this.Am I crazy?What is going on?”

“It’s the lease for that retail space that you really liked.The first one we went to.The one that was perfect for your doggy café.”

“I know, but why do you have a lease for it?”

“Because you loved that space, and you wanted it.”

“And I told you I can’t afford it.”

“I paid a year in advance.”

“But you don’t have that kind of money.”

“Let’s just say your dad paid it then.”I stared at her for a few seconds.

“What do you mean my dad paid it?”

“The money I made from your dad, I used it to pay for this lease for a year.”

“What?”Her jaw dropped.“But you can’t do that.You …”

“I can, Valentina.”I stepped forward.“I should have told your father as soon as I met you that I could no longer continue with this case because I knew you were something special.I wanted to deny my feelings.I wanted to tell myself that what I was doing was okay because my family needed the money, but it wasn’t.Your pain, your hurt, it wasn’t okay.And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything earlier.I really intended to that final day, but I guess I just wanted to be with you so badly that I figured it could wait.”I let out a deep sigh.“I’m an idiot, but I’m an idiot who’s in love with you, and I’m an idiot that wants the best for you.And yeah, I’m not rich like your father.And yeah, my family can be a little bit messed up and goofy, but we love each other.I told my brothers about this, and they’re all supportive, even my dad.”

“They know you spent the money on a lease for me?”

“They knew it was important to me.They knew you were more important than anything else.”

She blinked.“But you got that money for a job, Sam.”

“A job I had no right finishing.”I grabbed her hands.“Don’t you see, Valentina?You’re worth every single penny of that lease, if not more.That money felt like blood money.”I sighed.“I want you to know that I love you.I love every single part of you, and it has nothing to do with how rich your father is.I want you to give me another chance.We can start over.I just want to prove to you that I can be the man you need.I can be the man who you want.I can be a man who won’t hurt you or let you down.”

“But, Sam, I can’t accept this.It’s … It’s too much.”

Gabriella was standing there with wide eyes.“Oh my gosh, I feel like I’m in the middle of a romance movie.Is this real?”

Valentina looked at her and shook her head.“I don’t know.Is this real?”

I started laughing.“Are you still mad at me?Do you still never want to see me again?”

“I’m hurt, Sam.I’m not going to lie.I question if what we had is real.I question if I can trust you.”She bit down on her lower lip.“But I know I love you.And I know you’re a good person.It’s weird saying that when every part of me is screaming at you for being an idiot, but I love you, and sometimes we make mistakes.”She reached up and touched the side of my face.“You shouldn’t have paid for this lease, Sam.It’s too much.”

“It’s not enough,” I said.“Don’t you know you mean the world to me, Valentina?I would give up the clothes on my back to prove I love you.This is all I have to give.This was all I could do to show you just how much you mean to me.I didn’t want that blood money.I didn’t want you to think that what we had had anything to do with your dad and what he was paying me.I know how much you love that space, and I know you can make an amazing doggy café there.And I want to support you.Please?”

She stood on her tiptoes, pressed her lips against mine, and stepped back.“Thank you, Sam.”

“Is that it?”I stared at her, wondering what that meant.