Page 101 of Forbidden Arrangement


“Welcome to La Casa De La Ford,” Valentina said as she opened the door and welcomed me inside her apartment.

“Thanks for having me,” I said, smiling as I pulled her into my arms.I gave her a big kiss, and she pulled away slightly.I felt somewhat sad at that and pouted.

“Do you not want me to kiss you?”I said, worried that she was more upset with me than she’d let on.

“I don’t mind you kissing me.I just, I want to protect my heart.You know?”She chewed on her bottom lip nervously.“I’ve never felt this in love before.I’ve never felt so consumed by one person, and I’ve never been so hurt by someone.And I just don’t want to put myself in a position where you’re going to break my heart.”

“I would never break your heart, Valentina.”

I knew at that moment that I needed to tell her about Hamilton right away.

“In fact, there’s something I want to tell you.”

I grabbed her hands and squeezed.She looked up at me with doleful hazel eyes and gave me a whimsical smile.

“What is it, Sam?What do you want to tell me?”

“I have to tell you something about the night that we met.There was a reason I was at that bar.”

Just then, a timer from the kitchen started beeping, and she gasped.“Oh my gosh.The pasta’s going to become mushy unless I take it off the stove.Let’s go to the kitchen.”

“Okay,” I said.

I followed her as she rushed over to the pot and poured the water into her colander.I saw the spaghetti sitting there.She grabbed a piece and tasted it.

“Al dente,” she said with a smile.“Okay.You want to help me make the meat sauce?”

“Sure,” I said, sighing inwardly.

I guess I’d have to wait until later to tell her about Hamilton and the deal.

“Okay.You can slice up these tomatoes.”

She handed me a cutting board, a knife, and three tomatoes.

“And then do some garlic and onions.”

“Okay.And what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to season the meat.”

“Are you making?Meatballs?”

“No.”She shook her head.“Spaghetti Bolognese.It’s one of my favorites, and it’s easy to make.I do like me some spaghetti Bolognese.Do you want to know the secret to a really good spaghetti Bolognese?”she asked me with a small smile.

“No, what’s that?”


“Carrots?”I was surprised.

“Yeah.You cut them up really, really fine.And then you fry them with the meat.Absolutely delicious.It gives the Bolognese some texture and a sweetness you don’t necessarily get without them.”

“Okay.I’ll take your word for it.”

“You’re Italian, aren’t you, Sam?”