Guilt flashes through his eyes. The sight of it makes my heart sink. Dad never shows his vulnerability, just like someone else I used to know, so it’s really saying something that he’s letting it show so obviously.

“I let you walk out of his house, Calli.”

“Because you were being an overbearing—” I swallow down the next word as Dad’s brow lifts.

“Yeah,” he concedes. “I was. I should have explained properly.”

“You should have done that many, many times in my life. But just like those, you chose to cover it up, to try and pretend everything was okay. If you’d have just been honest, I might not have left like I did.” Honestly, I’m not sure how that is. But I’d like to think that if Dad had said ‘stop, the Italians are out for blood and it might end up being yours,’ it might have made me question my choices that day.

“I know I should,” he confesses, for the first time in my life genuinely looking regretful for something he’s done.

“I refuse to live down here like a prisoner.”

“It’s not safe.”

“I thought everything was sorted. Hence why I’m here right now.”

He hesitates. “Yes and no.”

“What is that even meant to mean?”

“They’re no longer after you specifically. But the threat against all of us is still there. War is still imminent. I refuse to put your life at risk more than it already is.”

“Great,” I mutter, longing for the freedom I had for the past week. We may not have actually left the house, but at least I could walk down onto the beach. Apparently, even the garden is a risk here right now.

“If you need to leave, you’ll take your brother or one of the boys with you for protection.”

“You know, I could protect myself. All you have to do is teach me.” It’s a lie. Daemon, and Alex while he was with us, did a damn good job of teaching me. I’m feeling more confident than I ever have about being able to do what might be necessary if something were to happen again.

He nods in agreement and my chin almost hits the floor. “I will. I won’t allow you to be helpless again.”

“Uh…” I stutter, shocked to my core. If I’d have known that all it would have taken was to be abducted to make him see sense, then I’d have done it years ago… maybe.

“I’ve got to go out and sort a few things. But I’m going to take you out to the range. And I’ve spoken to Nico and Stella about giving you some self-defence lessons.”

“You have?” I breathe, not believing what I’m hearing.

“I’m man enough to admit that I was wrong, Calli. Your mother, she never wanted to be involved in any of that, and she convinced me that you wouldn’t be either. But I’m seeing that you’re more your father’s daughter than your mother’s.”

“You’re only just noticing that now?” I ask.

“This life… it’s—”

“Dangerous, scary, brutal. I know, Dad. I know all those things. But it’s my life too. I don’t want to hide. I don’t want to be weak and vulnerable. I don’t want to be this useless member of the family that you all feel you need to protect. I’m not that girl, Dad.”

“I know, and I’m sorry I assumed you’d be happy to be.”

I stare at him, my mouth agape.

“It’s so good to have you back, kiddo.”

I smile at him, unable to keep the same level of irritation with him as when he first walked down here.

“Thank you,” I breathe, falling forward into his chest.

His arms wrap around my small frame, and I instantly feel like a little girl again.

“Please, Calli. Be sensible. We need you to be safe. If you need to go anywhere, call me. Call one of the boys.”