I’ve experienced some hellish situations in my almost eighteen years. But sitting on my bike with the girl I crave more than anything wrapped around me and holding on for dear life is one of the most torturous situations I’ve ever endured.

I should have left her holding the handles. But my need for her touch, even now, is too much to deny.

By the time we pull up at Evan’s house, my jaw is aching from gritting my teeth the whole journey back to the city.

My need to turn around and take her away again burns through me. But as much as I might want that, I know I can’t. I knew all this time that Calli wasn’t, and never could be, mine. I knew this day was coming, I just tried my best to push it to the periphery of my mind and pretend it didn’t exist.

Her hold on me loosens as I slow the bike and pull toward the tall gates that guard this part of the Cirillo estate.

Soldiers in head-to-toe black appear the second they open, evidence that Evan’s words about extra security are true.

Flipping up my visor, I let them see my face before they lift the guns that are more than obviously tucked inside their jackets.

“Daemon,” the older of the two greets.

In no mood for a catch up, I nod my head and pull forward.

The short drive up to the house is the most agonising of my life. Pain slices through me as I picture her walking through the front door in only a few seconds and not even bothering to look back.

It’s how it should be. But that doesn’t matter, because it’s going to rip me to shreds.

The moment I pull to a stop, the front door opens and both Evan and Nico step out, their eyes locked on us as they stalk down the steps toward us.

“I said bring her back safely,” Evan scoffs, eyeing the bike I obviously shouldn’t be riding beneath us.

“We’re here in one piece, aren’t we?” I snap, making his brows shoot up at my backchat.

I’m not usually one to say anything, especially to do with a job. But it seems that Calli has changed me in more ways than I thought, because right now, I’d take my chances and pull my gun on my underboss if it meant I could keep her.

“Careful, soldier,” Evan warns, concern flashing through his eyes.

I kill the engine, and Calli’s arms finally drop from my body.

Grief washes through me, the promise of the darkness right on the horizon threatening to swallow me whole.

I need to get home before that happens. I refuse to allow anyone else to see just how walking away from her, pretending she’s nothing, pretending that the past week hasn’t meant anything to me slays me.

“Daddy,” Calli sings in a sweet-as-fuck voice before jumping into his arms.

I can’t help but do a double take at her actions. They’re so… fake.

But then I guess mine are too right now as I keep my steel mask locked in place.

“I assume you didn’t cause Daemon too many problems,” Evan says, amusement filling his tone.

“If you mean, was I nice to the guy holding me captive for a week, then no, not overly.”

“Well, you’re safe. That is all that matters.”

She makes some disgruntled agreement to that statement before turning back to me.

The second her eyes collide with mine, everything I’ve ever wished for over the past ten years is shredded. I’d hoped to see hate in her eyes, anger, frustration. But what stares back at me is just… nothing. And it hits me harder than I ever thought it would.

I’m frozen, locked in her cold, hard stare.

If I were in a better place, I might recognise it as the same one I’ve spent years perfecting. But as it is, all I can focus on is agony as another part of my heart is ripped away.