Alex’s eyes widen as a mixture of shock and pride appears on his face.

“You fucked a stranger in a mask on Halloween?”

“No, we didn’t…” I drop my head into my hands, hearing just how ridiculous this all sounds now I’m finally saying it all out loud. “It never got that far. The shooting started and he ran. I only found out it was Daemon because he shed his mask as he disappeared into the trees.”

“Were you disappointed?”

“W-what?” I ask, my head twisting to look at him so fast I’m surprised I don’t pull something.

“Were you disappointed when you found out it was Daemon?”

My chin drops as I realise that he really is asking that question.

“Honestly, I had no idea who it was. Nothing he’d said or done gave me any clue that it was him. It was obvious that whoever was hiding behind that mask knew exactly who I was and that they shouldn’t be anywhere near me. But I’d had too much to drink and my brain wasn’t firing as it should.

“When he looked back though, and reality hit, it made a lot of sense.”

“In what way?”

“He kept saying things like he shouldn’t be touching me, that I deserved anyone but him, that I was going to regret letting him near me. Crazy shit that is totally untrue.”

Alex nods, deep in thought.

“Daemon is… complicated.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You really don’t need to tell me that, Alex. You think that everything that led up to us being here has been all rainbows and unicorns? It’s been… well, everything you’d probably imagine of your brother. Dark, twisted, painful, but perfect, in its own fucked-up way.”

“Jesus, Calli.” He scrubs his hand down his face, rubbing at his rough jaw.

“You might think that I’m good for him, but he’s exactly what I need, too. The perfect bad influence in my perfectly protected life.”

“It’s funny,” he says with a laugh. “I always knew there was more to you than you let everyone see. But I never thought it would be enough to put up with him. Me maybe, Toby possibly. But you really have gone all in with the devil worshipper.”

“I don’t like to do things by halves.” I shrug.

“Clearly not.”

Turning away from him once more, I stare up at the clear, star-filled sky as memories from the kitchen not long ago come back to me.

“I’m sorry about… about jumping you and… yeah, well, that.” I wave my hand in the general direction of the house behind us.

“Don’t ever apologise for that. Most exciting thing that’s happened to me in days.”


“Seriously, it’s been boring as fuck without you both. And yeah, you might have left me aching for another stroke of your hand, but hell, at least you’ve both finally admitted the truth.”

I drop my head into my hands and talk into them.

“I can’t believe you knew what we were doing last week and didn’t say anything. We were right freaking there, Alex.”

“Trust me, I know how damn close you both were.”

“Why? Why did you just lie there?” My head spins with the thought that he just listened to us. He could have got up, walked out, called us out there and then, but he didn’t. He just… laid there.

“Daemon’s been through so much shit, Cal. It might have driven me to insanity that he couldn’t be honest with me and tell me what was going on with you, but ultimately, I want him to have all the good he can get. And that’s you. You’re his good, and I was scared that he’d stop allowing himself to have it if I knew the truth.”

The tears fill my eyes with every word he says. I always knew that Alex cared for Daemon, that he’d do anything for his other half, but knowing it and hearing it are two very different things.

Lifting my hand, I wipe a tear from my cheek when one finally drops.

“Aw, Calli, I wasn’t meant to make you cry.”

“You’re not. Well, kinda. But it’s good. Daemon has no idea how lucky he is to have you on his side.”

“Yeah he does,” the man himself says behind us.