I’ve just got to pray that it’s not all over too fast.

Her hot breath races across my neck as I soften inside her. But as aftershocks from her release make her pussy contract, it’s not long before I’m gearing up for round two.

Unfortunately, Calli’s body seems to have other ideas as she trembles against me.

Threading my fingers into her hair, I pull her face from the crook of my neck and watch as her teeth chatter.

“Shit, beautiful.”

“I-I’m o-ok-kay.”

“I made a vow years ago that I would always look after you.”

Holding her tighter against me, I walk us out of the water. Ignoring our clothes, I stride up the sand, both of us dripping in seawater as we step into the house.

She climbs me like a spider monkey, and I can’t help but wonder how long I could get away with carrying her around like this.

Spotting a bottle of my granddad’s favourite whisky in the unit we pass, I reach out for it and continue toward the shower in the master bathroom.

Her lips trail up and down my neck as we move, and a growl rumbles deep in my throat when she sinks her teeth into me.

“Devil,” I murmur.

“I wonder where I got it from,” she mutters lightly as I place her arse on the counter and reluctantly release her.

A groan of disapproval rips from her throat and she quickly reaches for me, her fingers digging into my upper arms.

My heart melts as I stare at her trembling before me. Her cheeks are bright red, her lips swollen, and her nipples hard enough to cut glass.

But then I glance lower and my breath catches in my throat at the sight of my cum dripping out of her swollen cunt.

Fuck. I did that.

“Here,” I say, twisting the top off the whisky and passing her the bottle.

But she makes no move to take it from me.

“It’ll warm your belly. Trust me.” I wink, lifting it to my lips and swallowing down a couple of shots before passing it back. Heat licks down my throat before settling in my belly exactly as I promised her it would.

This time, her fingers brush mine as she takes the bottle.

“Good girl.”

I drop to my knees before her, barely noticing the bite of the tiles.

“Ugh, fuck. That’s gross,” she complains after swallowing a hit of whisky. “How do you drink this— oh Jesus. Daemon.” Her cries fill the room as I push her knees wide and drag my tongue up the length of her cunt. “That’s… you’re…”

Just to prove a point, I drop lower, tonguing her entrance, tasting both of us.

Her eyes flare with heat as she watches me with lust-filled eyes.

“Drink another,” I demand, rolling my eyes up the length of her.

“But it’s—” Her words falter when our eyes connect. Instead of arguing, she just lifts the bottle to her lips, swallowing another mouthful before her face twists up in disgust when the burning alcohol hits her throat. “Ugh.”

“Trust me,” I murmur before slipping my hands around her arse and dragging her closer to the edge.

The bottle slams on the counter before her fingers curl around the granite as I damn near pull her off the thing in my need for more.