“Nothing,” I say in a rush. “I kicked the table leg. It’s wobbly as hell.”

The girls buy it, but Alex looks suspicious as fuck.

“Shit,” he says, pulling his phone from his pocket. “I gotta get back up there. I just came down for the beer Seb said was in the fridge.”

“Yeah yeah,” Stella mutters. “Clean us out, why don’t you.”

“I promise to send him back to you good and wasted.”

“Told you they were up there watching porn.”

“We do some twisted shit, Princess. But gang bang porn watching ain’t one of them.”

“I’m not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed,” Emmie says, taking a pull on her cider. “If it were to happen though, you’d all be naked with your cocks in your hands, right?”

“Jesus,” Alex mutters, moving closer to the screen.

“Do you think that you might even give someone else a hand? You know, if they needed an extra bit of encouragement?”

“Calli, this is all your fault. You loaned her that book,” Stella laughs.

“I am not getting involved in this.”

“What book?” Alex asks.

“Just go back up to your boys. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”

“Fine,” he sighs, looking a little disappointed to have to go. “Just call me if you need me, yeah? I hate the thought of you being sad and lonely.”

“I promise I’m fine.” I risk a look at the raging bull that’s still staring at me with anger and dark promises in his eyes.

“If you say so. Speak soon, baby C. Love you.” He blows me a kiss before disappearing.

We chat for a few more minutes, but Daemon’s burning stare becomes more and more unbearable, and in the end, I tell them both that my dinner is ready and hang up.

“Tell me he’s lying,” Daemon growls from his position, looming over me with his chest heaving.

“Of course he’s freaking lying. You already knew that though, didn’t you?”

His brows pinch in confusion.

“How?” he growls, rounding the table to get to me.

In a rush, I push the chair out from behind me, preparing to run from him.

Fear and excitement licks at my insides and my temperature spikes.

“Where is your hiding place, Nikolas?” I take a step back for every one he takes forward.

“M-my hiding… oh,” he laughs, a devilish smile lighting up his face. “In the trees,” he admits.

My chin drops at his confession.

“You climb a tree to spy on me.”

“Yep. Took me fucking ages to find the right one too,” he growls, continuing forward.

My body aches for his touch, especially while he’s in this dangerous mood. But I don’t let myself give in.