My heart pounds as Daemon pins my body between the hardness of his and the cold wall of the kitchen.

He’s got my hands pinned behind my back as he breathes in my ear, sending a delicious shiver racing down my spine.

“What are you doing?” I pant, sounding nothing but like a shameless whore as I try to grind my arse back against him.

“Just seeing how much work I’ve got to do. A lot, it seems,” he whispers in my ear.

“Am I too big a challenge for you, devil boy?”

“Never. I love breaking in a virgin,” he growls.

“I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“There is no other girl but the one pressed against me.”

My heart melts at his words.

“You believe me, don’t you?” he asks, his voice full of emotion and honesty. “The girls I have been with before, they’re nothing. They meant nothing.”

“Nikolas,” I moan, tugging my arms against my bindings.

“That was brave of you earlier, you know. There aren’t many people out there who I’d let tie me up like that. And anyone else who tried wouldn’t still be breathing.”

“Oh God.”

“That makes you hot, doesn’t it? Knowing how deadly I am.”

I swallow harshly, not wanting to give him an answer, despite the fact that we both know it.

Holding my wrists in one hand, his other brushes up my arm, his fingers quickly circling my throat.

I gasp when his hold tightens enough to make breathing hard.

Heat floods me at the possessive move and my eyes shutter.

“Tell me, beautiful,” he demands, his voice dark and deadly as he proves just how dangerous he is. He could kill me like this—I’m sure with little effort. And that knowledge does funny things to my insides.

“Yes,” I whimper. “It makes me hot.”

“What does?”

“You. W-what you’re capable of.”

A growl rumbles in his throat and his weight presses harder against me.

“You’re thinking about the shower, aren’t you?”

I nod, unable to deny it.

“You loved it, didn’t you, my filthy little angel?”

He releases my hands and my fingers immediately wrap around his wrist, pulling his grip from my throat.

I stare at the red wound that stretches across his palm.

“That’s going to be my favourite scar, beautiful. Every time I look at it, I think of you.”