“Don’t go,” Calli pleads sleepily, her grip on my waist tightening as I attempt to slide out from beneath her.

I knew she wasn’t actually asleep. The patterns she was drawing with her fingertips on my chest and over my abs was evidence enough of that. But she’s relaxed, and I don’t want to ruin that.

I’ve ripped the rug out from beneath her enough recently, I just want us to… be.

I want this time together. No. I crave this time together like a fucking junkie.

I have no idea how long I’m going to get to pretend like this for, but I want it for as long as I can get it.

“I need to take a piss.” I lean down and kiss the top of her head. “You should come too.”

She tenses for a beat before looking up at me with a small grin.

“I know I ripped your armour in two and managed to dig a little further inside, but don’t you think watching you pee is a little overkill?” she asks, her brow lifting.

Twisting around, I fall over her, my body engulfing hers in my shadow.

Her eyes drop from mine in favour of my mouth as her tongue sneaks out to wet her lips.

Fuck. I love this look on her. The innocent girl has been well and truly left behind, and in her place is this sexy woman who gazes at me as if she’ll never get enough.

I wish I could fucking bottle it and keep it forever, because I already know that I’ll never find it again. Calli is my girl. My only girl. I could spend a lifetime looking, but I already know that I’ll never find anyone who compares. No one that even comes close.

“I mean, yeah, if watching gets you hot then feel free.”

“Ew no, I—”

“But you should pee after sex,” I state, smiling as both her brows hit her hairline.


“Yeah. You could get an infection if you don’t.”

Dropping a kiss on her nose, I push to my feet. She reaches for me, her fingertips brushing my cock as I stand and making it jerk in excitement.

“So you’ll screw me senseless bare without checking I’m on birth control. Multiple times,” she adds. “But you’re concerned about—”

“I know you’re on the pill, Angel. And I won’t do anything to risk your hea—”

“How? How do you know I’m on the pill?” she demands, sliding to the edge of the lounger. Her skirt rides up around her hips, teasing me with the lace that’s covering her. The thought of that fabric being damp and covered in my cum that’s dripping out of her makes my dick harden instantly. Something she doesn’t miss as the fabric of my sweats begins to tent.

Ignoring it, she jumps up onto the lounger so we’re eye to eye. “How, Daemon?”

“I’ve seen your medical records.”

“Y-you’ve seen my medical records?” I parrot.

I shrug, not seeing the issues with that. “I’d offer you mine,” I say, “but you’re looking at them.” I hold my hands from my sides and stand back, offering myself up to her once more despite the tight knot in my stomach that move causes.

Her eyes drop and my skin tingles with her attention exactly where I don’t want it. Although, it’s not as bad as it would be if anyone else were studying me so closely.

“Did you even get these looked at?” she asks, jumping from the lounger and closing the space between us.

My entire body jolts when she touches the ugliest scar on my side. It’s almost three inches long and was courtesy of some motherfucker with a serrated knife two years ago. I didn’t even see the fucker coming, I sure as fuck felt it.

I shrug, because what can I say? It’s obvious I didn’t. I just patched myself up and prayed he didn’t hit anything vital. I threw back a couple of sleeping pills with a bottle of whisky I stole from Dad’s office and just hoped for the best.