The doors are opened and we all step out.

Unease rushes down my spine, my skin prickling with an awareness that only comes with being watched.

Suddenly, four suited boys appear at the main doors, and I relax a little as Alex’s eyes lock on mine before dropping down my body.

Even from here, I see desire sweep through his features. It shouldn’t affect me, but everything is such a mess right now that I don’t even question the way my lower belly clenches.

Dressed up in his black suit, he looks so much like his twin that it’s unnerving.

Theo, Seb, and Toby march forward and collect up their girls as Alex makes his way to me.

“Fuck, baby C. You look sensational,” he breathes, his eyes taking in every inch of me.

“Thanks,” I breathe, forcing a smile on my face. One that he doesn’t fall for.

“What’s wrong?”

My lips part to assure him that I’m fine, but when words roll off my tongue, they’re very different.

“This isn’t just a normal party is it?”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, the incognito departure from both The Empire and The Prestige. The fact that I can feel a million sets of eyes on me right now. Need I go on?”

“There’s nothing to worry about, okay? Damien and your dad have everything under control.”

In the past, those words would have given me some comfort. But today, I’m struggling to find any.

I don’t know what it is, but there’s just this nagging deep in my gut that something is going to go very, very wrong tonight.

Leaning into Alex, I whisper, “Is he here?”

“Of course. He’s inside. And he wants to talk to you.”

Straightening my spine and pushing my fears aside, I thread my arm through Alex’s. “Lead the way then, kind sir.”

“It would be my pleasure.”