I have a feeling that the truth is going to be even more terrifying than everything that’s spinning around my head right now.

Movement outside my door makes me jump, but it’s not enough to force me to move.

The sound of the ocean outside teases me, and I can’t help but wish I could throw the door open and really enjoy it, just pretend that I’m on holiday and able to really relax and enjoy myself.

Closing my eyes, I let my imagination wander and allow myself to think about it just being the two of us here. Just me and Daemon, or more so, Nikolas. I want the boy beneath the mask, not the soldier who hides the incredible person beneath.

But is that even a possibility? Has he spent so long hiding that boy that he’s going to forever remain buried, just teasing me with glimpses of what could be?

I let out a heavy sigh as I think about the parts of yesterday I can remember.

Was what they did really necessary?

Misguided or not, I trust them. Both of them.

And despite my anger, deep down, I know that they did what they did for a reason.

I just wish they hadn’t.

I wish they felt that they could have talked to me, explained, and not just acted on impulse and fallen back on the brutality they’re usually forced to use.

But would you have believed them? Would you have followed orders and taken their words seriously?

Eventually, my need for the toilet forces me to roll out of bed and pad toward the bathroom.

Despite having seen it the day before, my eyes still widen at the sheer size of the room.

Wherever they decided to bring me, it’s not exactly lacking luxury.

My eyes linger on the bath, trying to imagine what Daemon might look like with his arms resting over the roll-top and bubbles coating his skin.

It’s an image I possibly will never get to see in reality. Not while he keeps hiding from me, anyway.

Forcing my sadness down, I continue forward. It’s not going to help me here. I’ve got to focus on my anger and my need for answers.

Shock rocks through me when I come to stand at the basin and find what looks like a brand-new pink toothbrush and tube of toothpaste waiting for me.

Spinning around, I look into the shower, my eyes widening when I find my usual bottles of shampoo waiting for me.

Did they plan this?

From what they said yesterday, I assumed this whole thing was a spur-of-the-moment abduction. But…


I refuse to believe that Daemon and Ant would have colluded and come up with this.

Why the hell would they ever work together if the threat they talked about yesterday wasn’t true?

They wouldn’t.

The fact that they’re both in the same house and haven’t killed each other is something of a miracle.

The second the hot water of the shower rains down over me, washing the stench of that van from my skin, I begin to feel a little stronger. Like I might just be able to go out there and stand my ground.

I need answers.

I deserve answers.