“Right… well… How’s… things with the Italians?” I ask, risking another look up at Daemon.

“We’re all on high alert. The guys reckon they’re going to try and hit us soon. But it’s all good. We’re ready.”

I stare at the two of them, my heart in my throat at the prospect of them being in danger.

“I hate being so far away when shit’s getting real.”

“You’re in the best place. Enjoy the peace. Hell knows, if we knew where you were, we’d come and hibernate with you.”

“You wouldn’t cope without the boys’ cocks,” I point out, much to Daemon’s amusement.

“Who needs a boy’s cock? I’ve got a more-than-willing one that’s all yours in return for mind-blowing orgasms,” a deep, familiar voice offers down the line.

Panic squeezes my chest, my eyes shooting up to Daemon, who immediately releases the door frame and storms outside.

He gestures for me to sit forward, and I do without any argument, ensuring my body fills the screen.

“We don’t want your cock, Alexander. I’ve heard it’s rotting from all the trash you’ve stuck it in.”

“I’ll have you know that my— Baby C,” he announces happily after pushing his way between Stella and Emmie on the sofa. “Where are you? I miss you.”

“I’ve been gone a day,” I say, rolling my eyes at him.

“A day too many. I had to sleep on my own last night. I miss my cuddle buddy.”

Both Emmie’s and Stella’s brows rise at that.

“Don’t,” I warn them both before they start. “Nothing happened in the tipi.”

“Not with him, anyway,” Daemon scoffs quietly.

I shoot him a death glare as he paces back and forth across the decking as if Alex is going to jump through the screen and find us here together.

“I’m breaking her down. She’ll be begging for it sometime soon.”

“Whatever you say, Deimos.”

“So, where are you at? Is that the sea I hear?”

“Uh… yeah. Mum booked me this insane place. It’s incredible.”

“Aren’t you lonely? All you gotta do is shoot me your location and I’ll be right there, baby girl.”

“Ew, don’t baby girl her,” Emmie complains with a shudder. It’s what her dad calls her stepmum, something none of the guys let her forget too often.

“I’m good. Thanks for the offer, though.”

Alex stares at me through the screen and my stomach knots. I swear he can see more than he should be able to.

“So what have you been doing? Too much studying makes Calli a boring girl. And we all know she deserves to party.”

“I’m good, honestly. I need the peace to just study.”

“But it’s so much fun when we do it together. You know you love our naked study sessions.”

Daemon’s palms land on the table with an angry thud, making everything on top of it, including my iPad, rattle. He glares at me, silently begging for me to confirm that’s not true. I’m not sure why it’s necessary; we both know he’s watched our study sessions from his little hiding spot outside my basement.

“What the hell was that?” Stella asks, her brows pulling together.