“When did my baby girl grow up?” he breathes, his eyes all soft as he forgets about being the Family’s underboss for a few seconds and just becomes my father. “You look beautiful. But something tells me that your mother was about as impressed by that dress as the one you chose last night.”

A smirk curls at my lips, and I’m sure I see pride flash through his eyes.

“You could say that. I guess it’s really good that she hasn’t seen this.”

I press my leg forward, allowing the fabric to part across my thigh and flash my weapon.

“Jesus, Calli. I’m not sure that’s necessary,” he blurts in shock.

“Are you armed, Dad?” I ask innocently.

“Uh… of course I am.”

“Then there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be too.”

His mouth opens and closes, seemingly unable to find any words to respond.

Letting my dress fall back into place, I step forward, closing the space between us.

“What is really going on tonight, Dad? We don’t go to parties undercover. We don’t hide. Ever.”

He swallows nervously, and it’s all I need to know that my suspicions are correct.

“It’s none of your concern what we have going on in the background, sweetheart.”

“And that may well be true. But can you stand there and tell me without any doubt that none of the people I love are at risk tonight?”

When his response doesn’t come immediately, a bitter laugh falls from my lips.

“I should take my friends and get the hell away from this place,” I warn.

“We have everything covered, Calli. There is no reason why anything should happen.”

“But it might?”

“There is always risk, sweetheart.”

“But this one isn’t big enough to send those you love into hiding like last week?” I ask with my brow quirked.

“That was directed at you. That was different.”

“So if this place goes up later tonight and I don’t see tomorrow, that’s different, is it?”

“Calli,” he warns, his soft, fatherly voice giving in to the brutal soldier that lingers beneath. The switch between the two is so familiar to me now with all the men in my life that it’s almost normal.

“What? I’m just asking. I know you love Mum unconditionally and all that, but I just want it to be known that this is a really bad idea.”

His dark eyes hold mine, and I swear I see a flicker of hesitation within them.

He knows. He feels it too.

“Evan, darling,” Mum purrs from somewhere behind him, forcing us to end our silent battle of wills. Not that I ever stood a chance of winning against him. “We need to go and take our seats. They want to bring the starters out soon.”

“Okay, we’ll be right there. Right, Calli?” Dad says, turning Mum’s eyes on me.

Her expression hardens, her eyes dropping to my dress.

“I can’t wait,” I force through clenched teeth. “I just need to use the bathroom first.” I take a step back, ready to run this time.