I look between the two of them and groan.

Please, for the love of God, don’t tell me he’s fucked her too.

“Water?” Jodie asks when the waiter returns with my drink and a refreshed tray for everyone else.

“I just can’t face it. Not yet.”

She studies me suspiciously, and my face heats. Surely Bri hasn’t said anything. She promised me, and I trusted her.

“Been there more than once. There was this one time that Bri and I went to some holiday park for the weekend, and I swear I couldn’t even stomach the scent of alcohol for at least a week after we returned. You’ll soon be back in the saddle though, and nursing another hangover.”

“Can I at least get over this one before we start talking about the next?”

She laughs before falling into conversation with Toby and Nico.

I glance around at my friends, happiness filling my heart, although it’s laced with concern.

Everyone seems so carefree and happy, but I still can’t shift the unease within me. Unease that has nothing to do with the test in my clutch.


Backing away from them once they’re all distracted, I attempt to finally make my escape.

Finding out the answer in the middle of this party could be the worst decision I’ve ever made, or it could be the best and I might be able to face a glass or five of that champagne. Christ knows I could do with the distraction those bubbles would bring me right about now.

I’ve got my eyes fixed on the sign to the bathrooms, so I don’t notice the guy I’m about to steamroll over until he speaks.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” a familiar voice says, interrupting my one-woman mission to lock myself in a cubicle.

Looking up, I find Jerome’s kind yet tired eyes locked on mine.

A laugh tumbles from my throat as my emotions continue to get thrown around like they’re on a freaking roller coaster.

“I’ve been better, can’t lie. You?”

“Pretty sure I’m dead. What the hell was in that vodka?”

“Our painful deaths?” I deadpan.

“Hangovers aside, it was a good night. I just wanted to say thank you for listening to me. I really appreciate it.”

“Jerome,” I sigh.

“Don’t,” he warns. “I had my moment last night. I’m good.”

I smile at him, seeing a strength in his features that wasn’t there last night.

“I’ll catch up with you later, yeah? I just need to…” I nod to the bathroom and he smiles at me, finally letting me go.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I take off.


“For the love of all that’s holy, can I please just get to the freaking bathroom?” I mutter under my breath.

It’s a good job I don’t actually need a pee, or I’d be in serious trouble by now.

I spin around at the sound of my father’s deep voice and allow him to look me over.