“Pretty sure the point of the spa is to sort that out.”

“Well, they’ve got their work cut out for them,” I say as I push from the bed and walk over to the windows to peek outside.

I’ve kept the blinds down since I got back, not wanting anyone looking in. But after talking to Jocelyn, I’m feeling a little lighter, freer, and suddenly, I want the sunshine back inside my little home.

I press the buttons to lift the blinds and slowly, the afternoon sun floods the room. Warmth hits my skin and I immediately feel a little better. A little stronger.

“Okay, just come down when you’re here.”

“Sure thing. See you soon.”

I hang up and just stare out at the garden for a minute or two, glad that I don’t see anyone lingering around.

With a sigh, I turn on my heels with the intention of heading for the bathroom, but a knock on my door stops me.

“Yeah,” I call, hoping that it’s Jocelyn coming back for another heart to heart.

But unfortunately, Mum’s perfectly styled blonde hair comes into view and I swallow a groan.

“Shouldn’t you already be at the spa? I thought your appointments were before ours.”

“Yes, Stella is picking me up shortly,” I force through gritted teeth.

“Right, well. I just wanted to give you these dates for your diary.”

“Dates for what?” I ask with a wince. The last thing I need is more meals like last night, or the event I’m going to have to endure tonight.

“Just a few socials. And some babysitting for Aunt Selene.”

“Oh, you’re giving me notice this time?” I sass, earning myself a stern, unimpressed stare from the cold woman before me.

“Callista,” she chastises as if I’m still a child. “Please just open your diary so I know you’ve written them in.”

“Worried I might forget?” I ask, reaching for my iPad and opening my planner app.

I flip ahead a few pages seeing as it’s still sitting on the last week of school. The sight of it makes me realise just how easy it was to forget real life while I was locked away with Daemon.

But before I get to this week, my eyes lock on something I missed last week.

My heart jumps into my throat, my stomach turning over in panic.

“What’s wrong?” Mum asks as I stare down at the little red heart I’d drawn on last Saturday.

If I weren’t so shocked, I might be impressed that she’s noticed something’s wrong.

“N-nothing. I just missed something last week. What do I need to write down?” I ask, my hands trembling and my head spinning as she slides a piece of paper across the counter.

I make quick work of noting them down. If she notices the state of my handwriting then she doesn’t comment.

“Great. Now you need to hurry. We need you looking perfect tonight, which means the full works.”

“Sure thing,” I mutter as she spins on her heels and hightails it out of my basement as if the space offends her. I might be hurt about her full works comment any other day, but right now, my world is spinning out of control.

“Fuck,” I breathe, reaching out to wrap my hand around the counter as the door at the top of the stairs slams closed. My body burns red-hot, panic starting to overwhelm me.

I’m a week late.

I’m never late.