“Do not get in the ring tonight. You’re not in the right place for it.”

“I know,” I whisper. I might have got into it with Alex, but I’m fully aware that my focus is shot right now. “Thanks for this afternoon.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket, letting me know that they’re outside, and I take a step back from the table.

“Be good,” Isla warns with a naughty glint in her eyes.


“I’ll call you tomorrow,” she calls before I get swallowed up in the crowd who’ve congregated in front of the stage. Apparently, the next band isn’t going to suck. It’s almost a shame I’m going to miss it.

The second I step outside, my eyes land on Alex’s Audi. It’s exactly the same as mine, other than he’s got a white interior and mine is all black.

Spotting the passenger seat is empty, I rip it open and drop into the seat. Before anyone who might be inside gets a chance to say anything, I lean over pinning my brother to his seat by his throat.

His eyes widen in shock, but he quickly recovers and amusement covers his face. He knows exactly what he’s done. Cunt.

“You’re a fucking dick.”

Laughter erupts from the back seat, and when I look up, I find Nico and Toby watching us with smirks on their faces.

“I left, didn’t I?” Alex growls low enough so that only I can hear him.

“Yeah, because you’re too much of a pussy to do anything else.”

“Glad to see Isla helped you come to your senses.”

“Fuck you,” I grunt, releasing him and falling back into my seat. “Let’s go. I need this.”