The deep rumble of an engine is the first thing I’m aware of when I come back to.

My body aches and my head is fuzzy as I lie there, my heart picking up speed with every second that passes.

My dad is going to be so pissed.

Probably not the most helpful of thoughts while I’m locked… I assume in the back of a van, but there you go.

He told me to wait. He told me that he’d come.

Did he know this was likely to happen?

Does it even matter?

Pushing my feet against the floor, I fight to sit up, but I soon realise it’s pointless. With my hands tied behind my back and whatever is in my system making my thoughts hazy, my body won’t cooperate the way I want it to.

Rolling onto my front to relieve my aching arms, I let out an almighty scream of frustration.

By some miracle, I manage to drift back off to sleep once more with the gentle rocking of the van as I’m driven fuck only knows where.

My only saving grace is that my phone is in my pocket. Dad can track me. They’ll find me. And when they do, whoever took me is going to be fucking dead.

Of course, that’s assuming I don’t get the chance to do it myself first.

I might not be trained like Stella, or have the experience of a life in Lovell behind me like Emmie, but when it comes down to it, I’ve got Cirillo blood running red-hot through my veins. I refuse to bow down to whoever thinks they’re smart enough to do this.

“You failed,” Stefanos states, his voice cold and hard.

“I couldn’t remember any of it.”

Silence floats up from the kitchen to where I’m stopped on the stairs.

Mum, Dad, Uncle Damien and Auntie Selene are away, so we’re playing at Alex and Daemon’s house. Or at least we were, until I excused myself from Alex’s room to get drinks.

The boys are all playing some dumb zombie game on the Xbox, and I’m bored out of my mind. Well, all the boys but Daemon. He hasn’t come to find us since we got back from school.

It makes me sad to think he’d rather be alone than play with his friends. But I can’t say I’m surprised. He’s always been like that.

“Alex didn’t fail,” Stefanos continues. “When your grandfather hears about this, he’ll—”

There’s a loud crash before Daemon appears in the hallway, but he doesn’t see me. He doesn’t look up at all, too intent on running for the door.

“Nikolas,” Stefanos booms, forcing me into action as Daemon pulls the door open and rushes outside.

“Daemon, wait,” I call once I’m free from the house, but he’s already halfway across the garden, his much longer legs eating up the space as he flees.

My feet pick up speed as he disappears into the trees, into their den.

His angry shout hits my ears before there’s a loud bang and another cry, this time one of pain.

Slipping into the shadows, I gasp when he appears in front of me, tears streaming down his cheeks, blood covering both his knuckles and his chest heaving with exertion.

“Leave me alone,” he barks. But I do the opposite. I step closer.

His eyes widen in shock and a warning growl rumbles deep in his throat.

“I’m not scared of you, Daemon. Just let me help.”