Page 61 of Entangled

I jerk my eyes to his and clench the gas pump in my hand, wholeheartedly prepared to spray him down with the gasoline if he makes an aggressive move. “Can I help you?”

His brown eyes drill into mine and he smiles with cruel amusement. “Nice ride you got there.”

“Right,” I drawl out with acrid sarcasm, narrowing my eyes on him.

I dart my gaze quickly to his car, that looks as if it’s hanging on by a thread, and see the outline of another person in the passenger seat.

Fuck, not good. One guy I could maybe get away from but two…

My stomach flips with fear, confidence fading as I internally berate myself for not just keeping my damn mouth shut.

“Hey.” His raspy voice draws my eyes unwillingly back to his. “Haven’t I seen you around town with Jace Dawson?”

I lift my chin and cock a defiant brow at him, hearing Stef’s voice in my head from the countless lectures he gave me about what I should do in any precarious situations.

Never let them see your fear,cara.

“And you care why?”

That nasty chuckle rolls off him again and he takes a step closer, reaching up to lean a hand against the gas pump. “Oh, Jacey boy and I are old friends.” The click sounds signaling my tank is full and he hits the gas pump lightly before stepping back. “Tell him Trey Morrison sends his regards through his girl.”

What the actual fuck?

He gives me one last cruelly amused look before turning and walking to his car, getting in and peeling out without another word. Leaving me to jerkily shove the nozzle back into the gas pump and force my fingers to unclench from it one at a time. My hand shakes as I hurriedly turn the knob to close my tank and slam it shut. I dive into Franny and lock the doors, breathing a deep exhale of relief as I take off toward the beach. I’m probably just overreacting about the whole thing due to my already off mood from meeting the sheriff but still…

What a weird fucking morning.

Chapter 16

Present Day

I park in the same spot as the night of the bonfire and see Andrea sitting on a blanket in the sand with her red hair blowing in the wind while Jace and Zane sit on their surfboards out in the water. Gorgeous bodies and tattoos on full display for all to see as they wait for just the right wave. I grab my camera from the center console with a smirk and get out of my car, breathing in the cleansing ocean air as I make my way down to the beach. Coming to a stop beside the blanket, I tilt my head down at Andrea, drawing her surprised eyes to me.

“Room for one more?”

A smile quickly fills her face. “Hey, girl! Yeah. Make yourself comfortable.” She scoots over. “I’m glad you made it, Jace said he wasn’t sure.”

I plop down on the blanket and stretch my legs out, throwing her a smirk. “I like to keep him guessing.”

She laughs softly. “Good for you. He could definitely use some more of that in his life.”

“Hmm,” I answer noncommittally before nodding to the boys and bringing my camera up, checking the focus. “What a view.”

“That they are. Jace said you’re a photographer, right?”

“Yeah, hopefully one that actually makes money someday.” I lower the camera and give her a grin. “How long have they been at this now?”

“Long enough that they should be mermen by this point.”


“Absolutely.” She smiles softly despite her words. “They do this from time to time. Battle it out over who can catch the best wave and end up stuck out there all day. Typically only after Zane and I have a fight or there’s been a prolonged separation like when Jace was in the Navy.”

“And since I’m assuming you and Zane made up.” I turn my head and cock a brow at her. “What’s the occasion today?”

Another soft laugh leaves her. “Heard about that, did you? Serves him right, thinking he can die on me one day.” Andrea turns her amused eyes to me. “I’m guessing you’re the occasion today.”

My brows pull down in confusion. “What do you mean?”