My temper flares at his words, the whole mix of feelings and sensations creating an inferno inside of me. “Fuck you, Coop.” I bite the words out.
“Yeah.” He pauses with the cube on the tip of his fingers at my entrance. “Right back at you, Princess.” He pushes the ice inside me along with his fingers and I damn near lift off the lounger completely, hips bucking as I try to get closer and farther away all at the same time.
“Admit it.” He drags the cube along that glorious spot inside of me with unerring accuracy.
“No.” I gasp, reaching up to clutch at his shoulder.
“Admit it.” Another drag.
He pumps his fingers inside of me deeply, dragging them over that damn spot again and again before pulling them out just as my inner muscles begin to tighten. Denying me the pleasure I’m desperately searching for. The ice is gone, melted away and leaving nothing but his chilled fingers as he brings them to my clit. I dig my nails in as he begins to drive me higher again, pulling him closer out of sheer desperation despite holding back the words he wants.
Coop dips his forehead to mine, his eyes softening as we stare into each other’s eyes. “Stop pushing me away so damn hard.”
I’m near sobbing as my body begins to tighten up again, screaming with need, right on the precipice of another orgasm… and I know I’m going to break.
“I don’t know what to do here.” The rough, whispered confession is torn from me, the need for release overpowering every other instinct inside of me. “I’m scared. Of you. Of this.”
His eyes soften impossibly further as he brings his other hand up, running his thumb softly along my cheek. “Me too, Princess. Me too.”
Dipping his head, he presses a soft kiss to my lips before rising and lifting one of my legs so he can settle between them. He plunges his finger deep inside of me and drops his head to my pussy, sucking at my clit hard. That’s all it takes to set me off. I come on a sob and a scream, his mouth like lava against my chilled skin. Waves of pleasure wrecking me, endless in their assault on my body. And just when I’m sure my heart is about to give out, it starts to fade, leaving me a shaking mess as Coop kisses his way over my hip.
He stands and quickly discards his clothes before reaching down to gather me up in his arms. I’m boneless as he carries me inside the house and gently lays me down on the bed. I part my legs for him without hesitation and he comes over me, his hard cock resting right up against my opening. Coop props himself up on his elbow and trails his fingers over the side of my cheek, eyes shadowed with worry as they search my face.
“Don’t let the fear win. Don’t let it take this away from you, from us.”
I don’t say anything because I don’t have an answer for him. This is new and uncharted territory for me and even those few words I gave him have left me feeling panicked, like they left a pressure on my chest. But he was right, I do feel something for him that I’ve never felt before, and now that it’s been acknowledged some small part of me doesn’t want to turn away from that. So instead I reach up and grab the back of his head, dragging his lips to mine and trying to tell him everything I can’t say in that kiss.
It’s not long before I’m writhing underneath him again and he’s pressing into me demandingly. Our need for each other never ending. I can taste myself on his lips still and it does nothing but ignite me further, causing me to moan softly into his mouth. He nips my bottom lip, spreading my legs wide and lining himself up with my entrance.
He pauses. “Fuck. Condom.”
He goes to move away and I pull at the back of his head, halting him. “I’m on birth control.” I swallow and clear my throat awkwardly, so out of my depth here. “And I get tested regularly, and I’ve never… you know. Not with anyone before.”
I can give him this because he does mean something more to me. I may not be able to give him everything he wants… but this, I want to give him this.
He looks down at me with some unknowable feeling pouring from his eyes that has me turning my head to the sea. Not quite able to make myself face the depth I see there. But he quickly brings his hand to the side of my face, tilting my head back and I’m met with the sight of a rare, breathtaking smile transforming his face.
“You do like me.” The smug satisfaction in his voice has me rolling my eyes.
“I take it back. Go get the condom.”
The head of his cock nudges at my entrance and I suck in a breath of anticipation as his face turns serious.
“I’m clean too.” He presses in another inch. “And I would never put you at risk.”
He sheathes himself inside me with one powerful stroke and my whole body curls around him in response. I pull his head back to mine and the kiss is as lazy as the pace we begin to fuck at. Something about it feels new though, as if we’re discovering each other’s bodies all over again. He grinds against my clit with each slow stroke, taking me higher and allowing me to relish the feel of each delicious inch of his hard cock. The feel of having him bare inside me, nothing between our most intimate skin is mind blowing. I lightly drag my nails down his back before rolling my hips against him and taking him even deeper, feeling the muscles under my hands shudder in response.
Breaking our kiss, I trail a path up to his ear with my lips. “You feel so fucking good.”
He rewards me with a strong thrust, grinding down harder on my clit than before. Lifting his head, he brings his hand to the back of my head and threads his fingers through my hair. His pace falters as he looks down at me with that same unknowable feeling in his eyes.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispers softly, gaze raking my face as if he’s trying to commit it to memory as his lips ghost up into an almost smile.
He resumes our lazy pace and I roll my hips to meet him at every thrust. Soft, gasping moans begin to pour from my mouth and I feel myself start to tighten around him with delicious tension. He drops his mouth to that space between my neck and shoulder that he seems to obsess over, dragging it through his teeth before trailing light kisses down my chest. I thread my fingers through his hair and drag his mouth back to mine, kissing him hard as I reach the peak of our indulgent climb.
The orgasm hits as lazily as our pace, gently pulling me under before drowning me in pleasure until I’m left a quivering mess as soft, helpless noises escape my lips. Coop’s whole body tenses when he thrusts into me again and I dig my heels into his ass, pulling him deeper as he spills himself inside me on a harsh groan. The feel of his cum deep inside of me sends little aftershocks of pleasure through my inner muscles and I feel his cock jerk in response.