My eyes open to the sight of Coop’s face framed by the lush green rain forest waiting to greet me. His eyes are soft, lips pulling up just a hint on one side. The open passenger door he stands in is letting in a humid breeze and I can hear the sound of soft, crashing waves.
“We’re here?” My voice is groggy in my own ears and I struggle to sit up against my seat belt before realizing I need to unbuckle it.
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “I already took your suitcase inside. Tried to let you sleep for as long as I could. You were out cold.”
“Thanks.” I go to step out of the car and he takes my hand to help me like I’m really the princess he’s always calling me. My eyes sweep across the lush rain forest surrounding us before landing on, well, a shack. He definitely wasn’t lying about that. The building is small, the size of most people’s apartments and made out of brown wood topped with a metal roof that was probably silver at some point but has dulled by age and the elements to a dark, spotted gray. A dark-red front door sits between two picture windows.
“Sleeping Beauty?” I look up at him feeling my lips twitch.
He shrugs his broad shoulders and starts to walk toward the front door. “I have a little sister. Had to watch more princess movies growing up than I care to admit.”
I trail along after him up the dirt path leading up to the house. “I bet you’re a good brother.”
“Not always, but I try my best now.”
Coop opens the front door and walks in before standing back so I can follow him. I can feel his eyes on my face, watching my reaction as I step over the threshold and take in the space.
The entire back of the house is open, folding glass doors pulled back and allowing you to walk right out onto the sand. The view of the crystal water brings me to a halt and the warm ocean breeze spills over me in a caress to my senses. Spanish tiles lie under my Converse-clad feet, covering the entire space in an intricate gray design. The front door opens up into a small kitchen with a retro-looking fridge and a tiny kitchen table while the back of the house is filled with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves covering the walls. A desk is set toward the folding glass doors at an angle so you can see out onto the beach.
And right there in the middle of the space is… one massive bed.
My eyes snag on the bed and stay there, taking in the soft-looking white bedding and anticipation begins to thrum through me. The bed is situated so that you wake up to the view of the waves and the whole thing is just plain decadent. I feel Coop’s presence behind me right before he dips his head to my ear.
“What do you think?”
“It’s stunning,” I tell him honestly. Impressed by the whole setup of the place, along with the view. It’s also incredibly clean and organized for a bachelor pad, which makes me think the sneaking suspicion I’ve had about Coop being a control freak is probably spot on. And while I might have my own issues when it comes to control, I don’t think I’ve ever been called tidy in my life, so this should be interesting.
“I’m glad you like it.” He kisses my neck gently and I drop it to the side to give him better access as his hands come up to grip my hips.
“So the mercenary business must pay pretty well, huh?” Not many twenty-five-year-olds could afford to buy any type of place, much less one in Costa Rica.
“I won’t be retiring anytime soon.” He laughs lightly against my neck. “But I do well enough that I was able to afford this place last year.”
His hands begin to inch underneath the tank top I’m wearing and as much as I want to give in right there and then… my bladder is practically screaming in protest after the four-hour car ride with no bathroom breaks. So you know, priorities.
“Bathroom?” I ask, tilting my head back to meet his gaze.
His eyes flash with amusement and he steps back, pointing me to a door on the right. “Right there.”
My phone vibrates in the back pocket of my cutoff shorts as I make my way to the bathroom and I pull it out as I lock the door, checking the message.
Stef: Are all the boys of Costa Rica under your thrall already?
A grin splits my face at the message and I type out a reply before I relieve my bladder.
El: Something like that. I’m shacking up with a guy I met in Jaco for a few weeks. He has a place in Cahuita. The view is breathtaking. Wish you were here… but like maybe a house or two down the beach.
I finish up and watch the three little dots as I wash my hands, waiting for his reply before leaving the bathroom.
Stef: Name and address?
Rolling my eyes, I walk back out into the living space, looking for Coop and finding him standing against the folding glass doors, the beer in his hand hanging down at his side.
“Hey, what’s the address for this place?”
He cocks his head at me in question as I walk over to him and I point at my phone. “My hover-mother best friend wants to know.”