Page 44 of Entangled

The voice rings through the boat and has my eyes springing open as Jace gives a groan, tightening his arms around me as his naked leg moves higher between mine.

“Come on, man, where the hell are you?” that voice calls out again. “Andrea’s all pissed at me and I need to drink.”

I drowsily realize we’re spooning and roll over in his arms to find his sleeping face drawn tight against the voice intruding on his sleep. Fuck, he’s cute in his sleep. He must have let his hair out before joining me for nap time because it’s all messy and undone, hanging around his face. His sensually arched lips are parted, slightly open in sleep.

But seriously, despite how cute he is… he needs to wake the fuck up now.

“Jace.” I push at his shoulder and he gives another sleepy groan. “You have to wake up.”

His eyes flutter as that voice I now recognize as Zane’s calls out again, closer than before. “Why the fuck did I find a Seether shirt on your deck?”

Oh, shit. Forgot about that one.

Jace’s eyes pop open, filling with panic as he untangles our limbs and jumps from the bed. Slamming his shoulder against the door just as the knob turns.

“What the fuck?” Zane’s perplexed voice calls from the other side of the door.

“Just uh—” Jace swipes at his face. “Just give me a minute.”

I push back the covers and stand, working my way around the bed and gathering my clothes up.

“Dude.” Zane laughs. “Are you jacking off?”

“Just give me a fucking minute,” Jace snaps while pulling on his boxers and causing Zane to laugh harder.

But the sound of his laughter fades farther away as I pull my underwear up and hook my bra. Turning to grab my pants, I find Jace holding them out to me with searching eyes.

“Thanks.” I take the pants from him with a small smile, darting my eyes away from his and pulling them on. Not ready to think too much about what happened today now that the moment has passed. I pat my back pockets, finding my keys quickly but coming up empty in the search for my phone.


I lift my eyes to Jace and find him flipping my phone in his grasp.

“Yeah?” I dart my eyes between him and my phone, knowing he’s holding it slightly out of reach to get me to talk.

“You okay?”


He takes a step toward me, eyes filling with concern and crinkling at the corners. “You sure?”

I take a deep breath and meet his eyes, trying to muster some of my usual bravado before throwing him a bratty smirk. “Of course.”

His eyes roll over my face, his expression letting me know he’s not buying one bit of the shit I’m selling. But he doesn’t push it, simply nodding once before bringing my phone up and holding it out for me to unlock the screen.

My brows drop down in confusion. “What?”

“I’m giving you my number.” He rolls his eyes at me. “Now unlock the phone, Delacroix.”

“Oh.” I dart my hand out, punching in the code. My stomach filling with all kinds of nerves as I watch him navigate the screen and add his number to my contacts before sending himself a message.

Clever boy.

He passes the phone back to me and runs a hand through his hair. “Listen, I meant what I said earlier and before that. I’m here for you. Even if it’s without all—” He waves his hand to the bed. “Without all this. I-I like you, Blondie, okay?” Stepping even closer, he grips my hips, playful eyes locking with mine. “I mean, I’m not opposed to all this. But I want to spend time with you. So don’t be a stranger, yeah?”

I pause for a moment, not knowing whether I’m speaking the truth or telling a lie as I nod and reply. “Okay.”

He drops a soft kiss to my lips before lifting his head and flashing those dimples. “Want to borrow a shirt?”