Page 99 of Entangled

I can see the moment she realizes that I just really don’t care and her jaw drops, staying there as confusion fills her face.

Throwing back my head with a laugh, I reach out to grab her hand. “Come on, Tiff.” I tug and start to pull her up the beach with me. “Let me teach you a little bit about life and sipping tequila.”

I spend the next two hours teaching Tiff how to properly sip añejo and schooling her in the art of not giving a fuck. Dragging Andrea into it by way of the fact that it is her boyfriend’s tequila and chairs I’m stealing for this little afternoon special. Plus, I like her and this newfound female friendship thing we have going on. I lose count of the number of times Tiff’s mouth pops open in shock and our laughter becomes steadily louder with the more tequila we drink.

I can feel Jace’s eyes as he keeps watch and I make sure to stay aware of where he is in case, God forbid, something goes wrong. The happy looks we shoot each other when our eyes meet through the crowd warm my soul, leaving me feeling light and relaxed and… loved. Utterly secure and loved.

Before Jace had come into my life, a part of me had been content to live in my misery. Secretly scared that if I lost that pain, I’d lose the memory of Coop completely. But Jace… He had come into my life and made it impossible to live like that. He had shown me what I was missing out on, pointed out the path to healing, but ultimately still left the choice up to me. That was the thing about Jace that had let him slip through my walls, I realize. He always left the choice up to me while somehow making it impossible for me to choose anything but the light. But him.

Playfully picking my locks where Coop would have just kicked down my door.

I watch the crowd thin out to a more local mix and sip my tequila under the last light of the day. Silently marveling at the feeling of wholeness within me. I never thought I’d make it back here again.

By the time Tiff remembers Jace’s promise to sing and pops up like a firework, she’s swaying on her feet.


“My cousin promised to sing!” She holds her hands out like she’s on a surfboard while I giggle into my glass and Andrea leans her head back over the side of her chair to look at us upside down.

“Come on, El!” She waves dramatically at me to stand. “Up! Up! We have to find Ken.”

Andrea darts her eyes to me, red hair hanging in the sand. “Ken?”

“Barbie and Ken, Andrea!” Tiff huffs. “You have to keep up.”

Giggling again, I sip the last of my añejo before dropping the glass into the cup holder of the chair and standing. The world tilts and sways for a moment and I dig my toes into the sand until everything rights itself. Hmm. Perhaps I’m a bit more toward the drunk side of the spectrum than I thought. Spectrums, I giggle happily at the thought as Tiff grabs my hand and starts to pull me toward the bonfire the guys are building nearby. Man, I need to do a full spectrum photograph the next time Jace and I go chase the sun.

I grip Tiff’s hand and stop, giving her a serious look. “I really love full spectrum photography.”

Her face screws up in confusion. “That’s good?”

“Don’t you?”

She shakes her head and starts to tug me along again. “Sure. Whatever.”

I sigh wistfully. “I really need to have Yvie ship me my filters… Oh!” I stop, bringing us to a halt again a few steps away from the guys. “I can get them when I go home in a couple weeks!”

“That’s great.” She rolls her eyes at me and turns as Jace and Tommy walk up to us, pointing a finger at Jace. “Ken, you need to sing.”

I throw Tiff a glare before turning to Jace and jutting my bottom lip out. “She doesn’t care about my spectrums and filters.”

Jace’s mouth parts in surprise and his eyes flick between us. “Just exactly how drunk are you two?”

I throw him a bratty smirk and answer, “Not at all” right when Tiff leans over to grab her knees and moans, “Fuck. I don’t feel so good.”

Tommy chuckles and I look down at Tiff with wide eyes before darting my gaze back up to Jace. “Well,” I elaborate, dragging the word out. “Someone had to teach her about the whole world of birds and bees and tequila that’s out there.” I give him a winning smile. “And you did say to my heart’s content.”

Jace rolls his eyes at me before shaking his head with a grin and turning to call out over his shoulder. “Jared! Your girlfriend needs to sit down.” He turns his head back to Tiff. “And drink some water.”

Jared walks over and gives Tiff a sweet, dopey kind of look before lifting her up and starting to walk her over to a blanket in the sand. She raises her head when they get a few steps away and calls out while walking. “You have to sing, Ken! Even if I’m puking, I want to hear you!”

I giggle yet again and Jace turns his confused eyes on me. “Why is she calling me Ken?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” I ask before narrowing my eyes at him. “Do you care about my spectrums and filters?”

Jace laughs lightly and walks to a nearby cooler, grabbing a water bottle from it and bringing it to me. “I always care about your spectrums and filters, Ellie.” His voice comes out husky as he drops his lips to mine and presses the water bottle into my hands. “Drink this while I grab my guitar from the jeep, yeah?” He turns to Tommy. “Keep an eye on her while I’m gone, okay?”

Tommy nods. “Of course.”